Working Towards Wheel Pose
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Working Towards Wheel Pose

Basic Body Awareness Exercises to Make Difficult Poses Easier

About the Book

Yoga Basics is designed to make learning yoga poses easier.

Rather than focusing on alignment, it aims to teach you how to feel your body so that you can become a better "driver" of your body.

To make yoga poses easier to learn, Yoga Basics breaks them down into easy to learn elements so that even difficult poses become a little bit easier to learn.

Instead of forcing your way into challenging poses like chaturanga dandasana and wheel pose, learn how to feel your way into difficult poses.

Learn to work intelligently.

About the Author

Neil Keleher
Neil Keleher

Neil Keleher has been teaching yoga for 15 years. He worked as an engineer for three years after graduating from Systems Design Engineering.

Prior to that he served in the British Army for five years as an armourer.

Central to all these experiences is a strong desire to understanding what he is working with so that he can use it more effectively, fault find more efficiently when problems arise and share his understanding with others.

Since becoming a yoga teacher Neil's focus has been on understanding the body so that he can use it more effectively and maximize its potential.

He also practices Tai Ji and Chinese Calligraphy.

He lives in Taiwan where he teaches yoga, works on his website and creates videos for his youtube channel

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Table of Contents

  • Driving Lessons for Your Body
    • Enjoying the Journey as well as the Destination
    • Take Your Time Learning
  • Essential Elements of Learning
    • Create Length
    • Use The Ground Effectively
    • Counterpose (For Balance)
    • Direct Your Awareness
    • Janu Sirsasana
    • Integrate
    • Move Slowly and Smoothly to Prevent Injury
    • Continually Improve Sensitivity and Controllability
  • Learn to Lengthen Your Spine
    • Using the Pelvis as a Reference.
    • Cross Legged Forward Bend
    • I have difficulty Bending Forwards!!!
  • Feeling the Spine While Twisting and Side Bending
    • The Sections of the Spine
    • Seated Spinal Twist:
    • Revolving Triangle
    • Standing Side Bend
  • Using the Legs to Stabilize the Pelvis
    • Warrior 1
  • Using the Legs to Mobilize the Pelvis
    • Standing Forward Bend
  • Back Bending and Front Bending the Spine
    • Activate and Relax
    • Feel and Control
    • Seated Spinal Back Bend
    • Seated Spinal Forward Bend
  • Integrating Spine and Leg(s)
    • Standing Knee Raise (Front Bending the Hip)
    • Warrior 3 (Back Bending the Hip)
    • Upright Pigeon
    • Balancing (Extended) Cat Pose
    • Upward Dog
  • Ground Reaction Forces
    • Downward Facing Dog
    • Creating Space in the Shoulders
  • Back-bending and Forward Bending the Shoulders
    • Down Dog As A Back Bend for the Shoulders
    • Table Top, (Retracting the Shoulder Blades)
    • Warrior 1 (Spreading the Shoulder Blades)
  • Resisted Sliding
    • Chaturanga Dandasana
    • Reverse Push Ups
  • Pressure Sensitivity
    • Bridge Pose
    • Resting on the Crown of the Head
    • Wheel Pose
    • Breathing Into the Kidneys
  • Counterposing Back Bends
    • Dead Dog Reach
    • Roll Backs
    • Supine Leg Lifts
    • Balancing Sit Ups
    • Seated Forward Bend
  • Pressure Sensitivity and Balance
    • Crow Pose
  • Resting
    • Rest Positions
  • Summary of Important Points
  • Sequences
    • Original Sequence
    • Alternative Sequence 1
    • Alternative Sequence 2
  • Appendix 1: Assisted Back Bends for the Thoracic Spine and Ribcage
    • Supported Back Bend
    • Counter Pose?
    • Reverse Prayer
    • Counter Pose
    • Spiderman Wall Stretch On Knees
    • Spiderman Wall Stretch on Belly
    • Counter Pose
    • Exit
    • Wall Variation of Rack Pose
  • Appendix 2: Preventing Wrist Pain
    • Introduction to Forearm Rotation
    • Forearm Rotations on all Fours
    • Push Up Position
    • Reverse Push Up
    • From Crown
    • Bakasana
    • Wrist Tension Options
  • Appendix 3: Locust, Cobra and Upward Facing Dog
    • Locust Pose
    • Cobra
    • Upward Dog
    • Counter Pose
  • Questions and Comments?

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