Think Clearly, Know to Flow
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Think Clearly, Know to Flow

Learn to flow easily and effectively and make learning enjoyable

About the Book

Rather than looking at how lots of different people have experienced flow, Know to Flow is about my own experience of flow across a wide variety of activities. They range from motorcycle riding to Chinese calligraphy but also include 20 years of teaching (plus a few more of doing) yoga.

These experiences by themselves aren't enough to make me an expert on flow. I've spent a lot of time trying to understand flow and its opposite mindstate. And part of that understanding comes from having been an engineer as well as an armorer. In both instances, I've learned to understand the things I was working on and to fix them. How does this relate to the idea of flow? You could think of a problem as a lack or inability to flow. Anytime we have a problem, that's when we need to use our thinking mind (particularly if we don't have the necessary experience or understanding to know what the problem is.) When we solve problems, then we can flow, if we choose.

Going beyond the usual recipes or prerequisites for getting into the flow, this is how an everyday person gets into the flow easily.

This isn't to say that you can't learn from skilled people.

It's to say that anybody can access the flow mindstate and you don't need extreme activities or experiences to get there.

  • You'll learn why habits (and memory) are an essential element of flow.
  • You'll learn how clearly defined ideas make it easy to get into the flow.
  • You'll also learn why being critical is the antithesis of flow.
  • (But there is a time and a place for it).

There's more.

  • You'll learn why being in the flow makes you more responsive.
  • Plus you'll learn how to use your senses and how to adjust your sensitivity while flowing.

And have you ever heard that Bruce Lee talk about "being like water"?

With Know to Flow, you'll learn how you can be like water. (And why you can't be like water in space.)

Plus you'll learn one possible definition for "efficient learning" and how you can make your own learning more efficient.

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About the Author

Neil Keleher
Neil Keleher

Hi, I'm Neil Keleher

I’ve been a yoga teacher for about 20 years.

I have a degree in systems design engineering from the University of Waterloo.

Prior to that I served for five years in the British army as an armourer.

As a yoga teacher I teach my students how to feel and control their body. In this context I’m like a driving instructor for your body.

One of my other hats is “indexing specialist”. One of my current ongoing projects under this hat is designing an easy to use indexing system for Chinese characters.

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Table of Contents

    • Rewriting Our Operating System
    • The mind-state of flow
    • Benefits of flow
    • More Benefits
    Part 1: Experience and self-expression
    • Water flows (and then it doesn’t)
      • Water flows because gravity pulls it
      • Being like water
      • Flowing instead of thinking
      • Flowing while teaching or leading
      • Uninterrupted knowing
      • Water waits
      • Perspective and potential
    • Memories of flow
      • Gliding on ice
      • Mathematical rhythms
      • Corresponding
      • Perspective and overly large breasts
    • Fully absorbed
      • Knowing without thinking
      • Quake and killing monsters quickly
      • Playing pool
      • Tent folding and simple instruction sets
      • Could I give you my phone number?
    • Knowing, Playing, Flowing
      • We can’t flow with worry
      • Play has clearly defined rules
      • The rules for rules
      • Playing negates worrying
      • The right way or the learning way
      • Painting The Way
      • Getting into the flow takes practice
    • The benefits of flow
      • Forgetting lost love
      • Getting through the gap
      • Making learning an enjoyable process
    • Thinking still matters
      • Choosing what to practice
      • Practicing in isolation then in context
      • Thinking or flowing but not both
      • Being our own teacher
      • Short term memory
      • Short term memory, using it to flow
    • Habits, memory, models and flow
      • Fast math and touch-typing
      • Math is memorized
      • Sampling calligraphy to flow
      • Externally assisted yoga flow
      • Improving a yoga practice
    • The point pulls, our senses guide
      • Using the senses for Calligraphy
      • Using the senses for Tai Ji
      • Sensing the road and what is on it
    • Self expression
      • Beautiful imperfections
      • Teaching from experience
      • Changeable ideas
      • Frameworks for expression
      • Forgetting I was acting
      • Improv and rules that guide
      • Saying the lines versus feeling them
    Part 2: Understanding
    • Problems prevent flow
      • Understanding guns to fix them
      • Hindering the flow of change
      • Building a motorbike
      • Know how to learn
    • Containers of understanding
      • Learning: the process of acquiring understanding
      • Problems, Relationships and the flow of change
      • Fixing guns
      • Fixing a motorbike while building it
      • Problems are an opportunity to learn
      • Picking an idea so that we can do it
      • Failing to relate
    • Building better models
      • What it means to understand
      • Telehealth
      • Learning to understand
    • Having a reason to live
      • An idea that led
      • A systematic yoga practice
      • The dream that pulled
      • A taste of being present
      • Making the same thing different
      • Hands on adjusting
    Part 3: Fear, Flexibility, Foundation, Control
    • Ideas, foundations, the basics
      • Hiding in a sea of thoughts
      • Creating stability while flowing
      • Teaching teachers to stabilize themselves
      • Creating stability to create change
      • Hanging off the edge of a cliff
    • Landmarks, Relationships and Control
      • Sensing relationships
      • Lengthening to create sensation
      • How our center and foundation relates
      • Landmarks are easy to recognize
    • Leaning into the fear
      • Skiing uphill
      • A clear idea, a center and a foundation
      • Realizing a clear idea
      • Dissolving fear
      • Defining control in a positive sense
      • Muscle generates sensation
      • Relaxed shooting
    • The foundation of understanding
      • Relationships: two clearly defined things
      • The point of greatest pressure
      • Using our foundation to feel and control our center
    • Shifting weight
      • Relaxing movements
      • Rhythmic movements
      • Noticing a light touch
      • Find the rhythm (slow and smooth)
      • A lateral weight shift
      • From all fours to just two
      • Basic sensations: Pressure and touch
      • Muscle activation creates sensation
      • Maintaining sensation while being still
      • Water flows because it is flexible
    • Flexible learning and doing
      • An inflexible yoga practice
      • Practicing efficiently
      • Learning the alphabet backwards
      • A flexible yoga practice (Eat cheeseburgers)
      • Simple guidelines
      • A balanced practice
      • Practical elements
      • Creating options
    • Dance of Shiva, practicing possibility
      • The rules for movement
      • Learning options
      • Working towards flowing through all possible movements
      • Thinking or flowing
    • Brush strokes for our body
      • Visualizing our anatomy and feeling it
      • Drawing anatomy from memory
      • How does one feel one’s anatomy?
      • Muscles: Feeling and controlling our body
      • Connective tissue tension
      • Connective tissue tension examples
      • Muscles: the brush strokes of our body
      • Anchoring for effective muscle control
      • Protecting our joints
      • Breathing: an exercise in muscle control
      • Breath-like muscle control
    Part 4: Change and references for change
    • Flexible responsiveness (Expert secrets)
      • 10 000 hours of Experience
      • Learning the body and teaching it
      • Acting responsively
      • Learning from Practice, Learning from experience
      • Practicing effectively
    • Smart and flexible
      • Inputs and outputs are relative
      • Relationships are vehicles for change
      • Why smartphones are flexible
    • Unambiguous messaging
      • Clear references make it easier to flow
      • When references fail
      • This is the starting position
      • Flexible reference systems
      • Understanding how we relate
      • Alignment and positioning
      • Sensing how things relate
      • Change is information
    • The idea of change
      • Noticing Change
      • Creating noticeable change
      • Rhythmic muscle control
      • Connective tissue tension is subtle
      • A feeling of openness
      • Adjusting or fine-tuning
      • Focusing on the source of information
      • Tuning in while acting
      • Focusing on the experience
    • Vehicles of consciousness
      • Gradually accrued experience
      • The inner smile and more
      • Noticing our inner environment
      • Sensing change
    • Tuning sensitivity
      • The horizon of uninterrupted sensitivity
      • Improving sensitivity
      • Sensing change at it source (drafting)
      • Information
      • Arriving at gaps as they appear
      • The corkscrew
      • Not wanting to crash
      • The best view of the way ahead
    • The memory of a feeling versus the actuality
      • Tuning tension
      • Feel-ability
      • Maximizing sensitivity
      • Maximizing responsiveness
      • Partner dancing with a bike
    Part 5: Ideas, Limits, Checking and Resting
    • A unit of consciousness and the heart of love
      • Small gods
      • A Sea of ideas and attractiveness
      • Ideas outside of ourselves
      • Ideas attract
      • Architects of fate
      • Attractive ideas
      • Giving ideas gravity and spin
      • The idea that pulls us
      • Learning creates internal change
      • Relationships realize ideas
    • Sensing the limits to flow
      • Looking for the path or creating it
      • Sensing limits
      • Choosing limits
      • Limits define ideas
      • Becoming less limited
      • Art has limits
      • Dance of Shiva, a study in limitation
      • Four more hand positions for the Dance of Shiva
      • Thinking, flow, and limits
    • Checking after flowing
      • The rough draft
      • Fast feedback
      • Checking what we’ve done
    • Frequent switching
      • Slow and smooth
    • Noticing self-talk
      • Crunches aren’t that bad
      • Going deeper in a side bend
      • Flowing around obstacles
    • Simple ways to enter the flow
      • Three oms
      • Humming or toning
      • Dancing
    • Why rest?
      • Resting by doing something else
      • The Importance of rhythm and rest
    Part 6: Indexing, Models and Habits
    • Indexing, Thinking, Sorting
      • Google
      • Pre-thinking
      • Amazon
      • Presorting
      • Tidying after a banquet
      • A grand opening
      • Programming an app
      • When sorting requires an index
      • Direct indexing versus Grouping
    • Handling a lack of flow
      • The Joys of Using a Chinese Dictionary
      • An impossible task
      • Learning Hirigana
      • Phonetic frustrations
      • Cangjie
      • Touch-typing Chinese characters
      • The advantages of shape-based input
      • Direct access
      • Minimal foreknowledge
    • Indexing matters
      • Bad indexing is better than none at all
      • Indexes are pointers
    • Creating multiple indexes
      • Single indexes and multiple ideas
      • Unique names for better understanding
      • Indexing is a way of defining limits
    • Models for memories, models for habits
      • An unimaginable act of coordination
      • Learning to ride
      • Negligent discharges: not a good thing
      • The importance of habits
      • Habits as model outputs
      • Habits: acting effectively in the flow
      • Driving smoothly
      • Noticing changes
      • Unification while flowing in the real
      • Experiencing connection
    Part 7: Unlimiting
    • Un-limiting consciousness from time and space
      • Expanding across space or time
      • Imaginary space
      • Flowing in imaginary space
      • The flow of understanding
      • Pleasant environments
      • Why leave the flow?
    • Un-defining infinity
      • Infinite possibilities instead of big
      • Emptying the glass
      • Fractals and the coast of England
      • Infinity squared
      • Working towards freedom
      • Learning to be less limited
    • Thinking in Terms of Limits
      • Defining systems
      • A built in teacher
      • Two reasons to break things down
      • Using limits to build models
      • Taking context into account
      • Limits for exploring infinity
      • Restricting reality
      • Initial stages of learning a programming language
      • Choosing and breaking things down
      • Further stages of learning a programming language
      • Fault finding
      • Learning is the general requirement for solving problems
    • The Dance of Shiva
      • Habits, turning them into options
      • Experiencing the unexpected while practicing
      • Learning to learn and learning to flow
      • Clearly defined elements
      • Changing our mindset
      • Becoming more like water
      • Clearly defined component ideas
      • How Small is Too Small?
    • Short term memory
      • Learning to listen
      • Learning a fan form
      • Memorization made easy
      • The sum of the parts
    • Learning basic building blocks
      • Making learning more efficient
      • Teaching Tai Ji in Hong Kong
      • A universal approach
    • Learning to Flow While Learning
      • Staying in the flow
      • Brush strokes and flow
      • Small chunks of learning (the short term memory method)
      • The limits of short-term memory
      • Learning Swift
      • The calculus of infinity
      • Gong fu
      • Making learning retrievable
      • Creating contexts
      • Grouping
      • Why we can think, why we can flow
    Part 8: Controlling our mind, Controlling our body
    • Controllers, sensors, and actuators
      • Control requires sensors and actuators
      • The three elements of flow
    • Simple ideas for being present
      • Gratitude
      • Paying attention
      • Transmitting information
      • Maintaining a relationship
      • Tuning physical connections
      • Room to move
      • Seeking space
      • Focusing on where we want to go (or what we want)
      • Physical and mental positioning
    • Clear references and stability
      • Stability facilitates change
      • Stability while writing
      • The whole body, from tai ji to calligraphy
      • Inner horizons
      • Alignment as a starting point
      • Tuning for best reception or best feel
    • Lead with the mind
      • Ideas come first
      • Knowing as a means of indexing ideas
      • Accessing models in imaginary space
      • Leading with a clear idea
    • Expanding the present
      • Flattening the curvature of the earth
      • Bending light
    Part 9: Two views
    • Components and signals
      • Circles, spirals, and sines
      • The component view of a rifle
      • Two views of a rifle
      • Two views of a test device
      • Two views of a Telehealth device
      • The benefits of understanding two views
      • Two views of ourselves
      • After action reviews
      • Thinkers and Doers
      • Tradesmen versus engineering students
    • Self testing (The rough draft revisited)
      • Pain forces us to learn
      • What do we need to improve?
      • Recognize our accomplishments.
    • Habits, can we get rid of them?
      • Habit triggers
      • Thought habits
      • Noticing things so that we can change them
      • Habits: automating the things we have to do
    • Time and space as limits
      • The flows of time
      • Riding the wave of time
      • What if gravity causes time to flow
      • Surfing the wave of Time
      • Gravity pulls inwards, light flows out
    • The Plaid Fabric of Time and Space, a summary
      • Entering the flow and leaving it
      • Two views
      • Working towards infinity
    • Parts index
    • Top Level Headings index
    • All Headings index
    • About Neil Keleher
    • More by Neil Keleher

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