Leonardo Giordani
My name is Leonardo Giordani, I was born in 1977 with Star Wars, bash, Apple ][, BSD, Dire Straits, The Silmarillion. I'm interested in operating systems and computer languages, photography, fantasy and science fiction, video and board games, guitar playing, and (too) many other things.
I studied and used several programming languages, from the Z80 and x86 Assembly to Python and Scala. I love mathematics and cryptography. I'm mainly interested in open source software, and I like both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer science.
For 13 years I was a C/Python programmer and DevOps for a satellite imagery company. and I am currently infrastructure engineer at WeGotPOP, a UK company based in London and New York that creates innovative software for film productions.
In 2013 I started publishing some technical thoughts on my blog, The Digital Cat. In 2018 I published my first book with Leanpub, “Clean Architectures in Python”, which has been already downloaded more than 25,000 times.

Episode 121
An Interview with Leonardo Giordani