Devon Steiger
I am an undergraduate student at Concordia University studying English Literature & Professional Writing. I started writing in 2006 as a kid, and in 2008 started writing more seriously. Though none of the works writtenback then have ever seen the light of day, in 2010 I undertook writing a complete book for my IB personal project in high school. Five years later, that project has been placed on the shelf and in 2012, after two NaNoWriMo attempts, I released my first published work Archetypes: State of Play. Over the past three years I have focused mainly on my Academic career as that has been my priority, but as I am nearing the midway point of university I am becoming more and more serious about writing.
Since I launched Archetypes I have worked on several projects that are coming to fruition, including the upcoming Peace Speaker series and Anonymous. I enjoy writing and hope to continue to do so for a long time to come.
I am here for the community that reads my work and I am looking forward to getting to know you guys as well (if you let me of course). I hope that those of you who do read some of my works will enjoy it at least as much as I enjoyed making it. If I can do that, and maybe even get you to think about some of the things involved in that book, then I think I have succeeded in at least one of my primary goals.
Devon Steiger