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About the Book
This book will change two things for you: how you think about organisations, and how you engage with their challenges. At its heart is the Deliberately Adaptive Organisation, a fresh, complexity-aware, and ground-up reconstruction of Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model. The diagnostic power of this classic organisational model remains unrivalled, and to it we bring a truly 21st century approach. We work with rather than against the grain of two key realities: that everyone's experience of the organisation is different, and that they see different possibilities emerging for it.
Not only does that turn the traditional change management paradigm on its head, it helps leaders better understand what it means for them to be “creating the conditions” – creating the conditions for performance, emergence, innovation, self-organisation, adaptability, resilience, and so on – everything we look for in the pursuit of business agility.
With reference to a number of complementary frameworks, including the OODA loop, the Cynefin framework, Lean, Agile, and multiple models of trust-building leadership, this book’s main focus is the digital-age (though not necessarily technology-centric) organisation, in which product development, customer-focused service delivery, and organisational renewal are becoming increasingly integrated. With that come issues of context and scale, for which process-based approaches are ill-equipped to meet.
Former Executive Director and CTO Mike Burrows is the author of Organizing Conversations, Right to Left, Agendashift, and the Lean-Agile classic, Kanban from the Inside.
Coming first to LeanPub and staying here! Other formats, platforms, and channels in due course.
About the Author
Mike is the founder of Agendashift, author of Kanban from the Inside (2014, Blue Hole Press), consultant, coach, and trainer. He has been the interim delivery manager for two UK government digital "exemplar" projects and consultant to public and private sector organisations at home and abroad. Prior to his consulting career, he was global development manager and Executive Director at a top tier investment bank, and IT Director for an energy risk management startup.