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You can use this page to email Paulo Caroli, Danilo Fascio, Joaquim Torres (Joca), Felipe Castro, Luis Gonçalves, Alexandre Magno, Raphael Albino, Amanda Varella e Ka Wai Lee about Transformação digital.
Sobre o Livro
Está cada vez mais difícil definir uma fronteira entre o mundo digital (internet, aparelhos móveis, IoT) e o mundo físico. Ela desapareceu. Esse é o principal motivo para a transformação digital: a busca por mudanças e melhorias, realizada pelas organizações para sobreviver a quarta revolução industrial de forma a criarem a melhor experiência possível para os seus clientes.
Sobre os Autores
Principal consultant at Thoughtworks Brazil and co-founder of AgileBrazil, Paulo Caroli has over twenty years of experience in software development, passing in various corporations in Brazil, India, USA and Latin America. In 2000, he met the Extreme Programming and since then has focused its expertise in processes and practices of Agile & Lean. He joined ThoughtWorks in 2006 and held the positions of Agile Coach, Trainer and Project Manager. He received a Bachelor of Computer Science and MS in Software Engineering, both from PUC–Rio.
Paulo Caroli is a man who is passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital products. He is a software engineer, an author, an editor, a speaker and a successful facilitator.
Accomplished technologist and manager with a unique ability to bridge the gap between the technical world and customers needs. Almost 30 years of experience in digital product development and management.
Entusiasta, Influenciador Digital, Palestrante e Coach TEDx, Escritor e Consultor Principal da ThoughtWorks. Morou na Austrália por 8 anos se tornando cidadão Australiano retornando ao Brasil em 2016. Já palestrou na China, Alemanha e até mesmo no famoso palco do TEDx.
Apaixonado por Economia Comportamental, acredita que aumentar nossa Consciência Digital entendendo melhor como tomamos decisões digitais pode transformar nosso futuro e ampliar o nosso impacto positivo no mundo trazendo mais sucesso, felicidade, independência e segurança na era digital.
Possui mais de 17 anos de experiência ajudando organizações a alcançar seus objetivos através da transformação digital dos seus negócios.
Luis Gonçalves is an Entrepreneur, Author, International Keynote Speaker and he is also the Managing Director of evolution4all.com
As a Management Consultant he works with Senior Executives to implement his ADAPT Methodology so they can greatly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their organisations; enabling them to become recognised and highly rewarded Leaders.
Previously much of his career has been spent assisting various organisations to become more Agile and better at what they do. For more information on this topic, you can find different ideas on the list Agile Retrospectives Ideas or, for distributed teams, by clicking on Tools for Distributed Agile Retrospectives. General topics under: Agile Retrospective, Scrum, and Scrum Master.
At this moment Luis and his consultancy have now moved beyond Agile and spend all his time implementing his ‘Organisational Mastery’ product in organisations where OKRs are a fundamental piece of his approach.
ALEXANDRE MAGNO is a well-known international author, trainer, facilitator, agile practitioner, entrepreneur and investor.
By using a fine and unique combination of AGILE METHODS and EMERGENT LEARNING techniques, he has helped workers, teams and product development companies to improve their performance when working in complex environments.
Alexandre is the author of "How Creative Workers Learn" the first Learning 3.0 book.
Since 2007 I have been developing my experience dealing with digital, business process, marketing, and information technology projects and clients.
Nowadays I am a Ph.D. candidate at FEA USP where I finished my master degree in Business and Management.
I worked with a range of different types of projects like sales force automation systems, integration systems, electronic procurement solutions and digital marketing solutions.
In the last three years, I had the opportunity to help companies create business agility acting as an agile specialist (Agile Coach).
At 2017 I wrote a book called "Métricas Ágeis - Obtenha melhores resultados em sua equipe" - https://www.casadocodigo.com.br/products/livro-metricas-ageis (readers feedbacks are available in https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35341623-m-tricas-geis)