A Warrior's Guide to AngularJS
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A Warrior's Guide to AngularJS

About the Book

A Warrior's guide to AngularJS is a complete guide from 0, packed with fun, easy to read examples, and tricks to get your websites to the next level.

In this book you will learn:

  • Choose and setup your development tools
  • Expressions, Directives, Controllers and all the basics of AngularJS
  • Use dynamic templates
  • Manage routing
  • Dynamically modify layouts and CSS
  • Load External Files
  • Bootstrap and AngularJS integration

This books covers Angular 1.5.x and compatible versions.

This book is a translation into English of Manual del Guerrero: AngularJS which was originally written in Spanish.

About the Author

Carlos Solis
Carlos Solis

Carlos Solis es Adobe Community Professional, speaker en diversos eventos, entre ellos Adobe Express en Perú y México, Latin Flash Tour y otros eventos en Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile y Argentina.Como desarrollador móvil ha creado soluciones para varias marcas del Fortune 500 y colaborado con múltiples startups en el Silicon Valley, Santiago, Tel-Aviv y New York.Docente universitario y fundador del proyecto Revolución Móvil, es un firme creyente del potencial de los desarrolladores latinoamericanos.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to AngularJS
    • What is AngularJS?
    • The MVW Pattern
    • Data binding
    • Dependency injection
    • Directives
    • Why you should use AngularJS?
  • Development Tools
    • Sublime Text 2
      • Setting Up Sublime Text for AngularJS
        • Install Package Control
        • Install Support for AngularJS
        • Installing Code Linter - JavaScript
    • Adobe Brackets
      • Set up Brackets for AngularJS
    • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Creating a Project with AngularJS
    • Download AngularJS
      • Version
      • Build
      • CDN
      • Additional Libraries
    • Install AngularJS in a HTML document
    • Set up an AngularJS application
      • Scope of ng-app
      • Initialize the application
        • Loading additional modules
    • Example: Hello World
  • Expressions
    • Define Expressions
      • Templates
    • Display dynamic values
    • Represent objects
    • Represent Results
  • Filters in Expressions
    • Represent currencies
    • Edit Capital Letters
    • Represent Numbers
    • Displaying Dates
    • Mix Filters
  • Customized Filters
  • Data Filters
    • Filter Data
    • Order Data Collections
  • Controllers
    • Create a Controller
      • Activate the Controller within a File
      • The $scope Object
    • Scope of a Controller
    • Multiple Controllers
    • Methods
  • Directives
    • Add Directives
      • Directives with Values
    • AngularJS Directives & y W3C Standards
    • Common Directives
      • ng-app
      • ng-controller
      • ng-model
      • ng-bind
    • Customized Directives
      • Create a Customized Directive
      • How to Use Customized Directives Within a File
      • Add Values to Customized Directives
  • Edit Styles with AngularJS
    • Manipulate CSS Properties
    • Assign Classes
    • Hide and Show Elements
    • Edit Images
    • Show Elements Conditionally
  • Events and Interaction
    • Clicks
    • Mouse Events
    • Events for Mobile Devices
      • Simulate a Touch Screen in Chrome
    • Keyboard Events
  • Represent Data Collections
    • Create Lists with Arrays
      • Add Elements to a List
      • Assign Events in Dynamic Lists
    • Create Lists with Objects
  • Access to External Data
    • Prepare External Data
      • Security and Reading Permissions Considerations
      • Load Information from External Servers
    • Load an External File
    • Display the Loaded Data
  • Manage Templates and Routes
      • Index AngularJS In Search Engines
    • Install ngRoute
      • Set Up the Templates
    • Use of Includes
    • Views
    • Routes
      • Creating Routes
        • when
        • otherwise
      • Load Controllers
        • Create the Controller’s File
        • Include the Controller in the App
        • Link the Controller to a Route
      • Dynamic Routes
      • Read URL’s Variable
  • Integrate AngularJS with Bootstrap
    • Why should you use Bootstrap?
    • Use of Bootstrap to Create Responsive Sites
      • Containers
      • Columns’ Matrix
      • Support to Different Resolutions
      • Different Classes
    • Create a Template with Bootstrap
      • Add Contents
      • Add Interaction with Bootstrap
    • Install AngularJS in Bootstrap
    • Add Controllers
  • Conclusion & Farewell
    • Next Steps
      • Official Documentation
    • Angular 2
    • Farewell
  • Acknowledges

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