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Über das Buch
Mit Spring Boot als führendem Framework für das Erstellen von Anwendungen im JVM-Ökosystem und AWS als führender Cloud-Plattform ist ihre Kombination sehr mächtig.
Dieses Buch wird Ihnen alles beibringen, was Sie wissen müssen, um Ihre Spring Boot-Anwendung auf AWS laufen zu lassen.
In diesem Buch entwickeln wir eine Webanwendung, die nahtlos gängige AWS-Dienste wie SQS, S3, SNS, RDS, Cognito und ECS mit Spring Cloud AWS integriert.
Nicht nur werden wir uns auf die Entwicklung der Anwendung mit Spring Boot konzentrieren, sondern auch detailliert darauf eingehen, sie für die Produktion vorzubereiten. Dies umfasst eine kontinuierliche Bereitstellungspipeline, Infrastruktur-als-Code mit CloudFormation und AWS CDK, Bereitstellungsmuster und Überwachung.
Das Stratospheric-Buch wird Ihre erste Anlaufstelle für den Aufbau von produktionsreifen Anwendungen mit Spring Boot und AWS. Es wird Sie auf Ihr nächstes Projekt in der Cloud vorbereiten.
Keine vorherigen AWS-Kenntnisse erforderlich.
Über die Autoren
Philip is an independent IT consultant from Germany, specializing in Java, Spring Boot, and AWS. He helps teams build confidence in developing, changing, and deploying their Java Spring Boot applications by making testing easier and more effective.
Under his slogan, "Testing Spring Boot Applications Made Simple," Philip shares practical recipes, tips, and tricks through his blog, online courses, and YouTube channel. His insights empower developers to create reliable, high-quality applications with less stress and more success.
When he’s not consulting, Philip is busy sharing his knowledge at rieckpil.de—drop by to learn more!
Tom is a software engineer by profession and by passion with more than a decade of experience in many different software projects for many different clients across various industries. In software projects, he takes on the roles of software developer, architect and coach, with a focus on the Java ecosystem.
He found that writing is the best way to learn, so he likes to dive deep into topics he encounters in his software projects to create texts that give structure to the chaotic world of software development. He regularly writes about software development on his blog at reflectoring.io and is an occasional speaker at conferences.
Björn Wilmsmann is an independent IT consultant who helps companies transform their business into a digital business.
A longtime software entrepreneur, he’s interested in web apps and SaaS products. He designs and develops business solutions and enterprise applications for his clients.
Apart from helping companies in matters of software quality and improving the availability of and access to information through APIs, Björn provides hands-on training in technologies such as Angular and Spring Boot.
On his blog he writes about technology, software development, and the software business.
Find out more about Björn on bjoernkw.com.