You can use this page to email Zachi BaharavとDaniel Zingaro about 競技プログラミングを始めよう!: USACOブロンズ競技を極める (日本語版).
どれも本当です!(まあ、楽しいことを願っています :-) )
-著者からの専門的なアドバイス。Dr. Baharav(本の中ではコーチBです :-) )は競技プログラミングのコーチです。Dr. Zingaroはベストセラーの競技プログラミング本をいくつか執筆しています。
Advent of Codeに参加したいですか?Codeforces?Leetcode?この本ではUSA Computing Olympiad(USACO)のブロンズレベルに焦点を当てていますが、学んだことは他の競技プログラミングの環境にも適用できます。
Dr. Zachi Baharav holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
After more than 20 years in the hi-tech industry and academia, I retired to dedicate my time to the next generation. I am now coaching high school students in Math and Computer Science.
Dr. Daniel Zingaro is an associate teaching professor of computer science and award-winning teacher at the University of Toronto. His main area of research is computer science education, where he studies how students learn computer science material.
He may have a book obsession. He has written
Learn AI-assisted Python Programming with GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT (with Leo Porter, Manning, 2024). Learn programming in the generative AI era!
Algorithmic Thinking 2/e (No Starch Press, 2024). Learn hash tables, recursion, dynamic programming, trees, graphs, and all kinds of other awesome algorithms and data structures stuff... competitive programming examples!
Learn to Code by Solving Problems (No Starch Press, 2021). Learn programming from scratch while solving competitive programming puzzles. Class tested and refined with hundreds of real students.
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