Building Web Applications with Silex 2
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Building Web Applications with Silex 2

... and other useful PHP libraries, too.

About the Book

Building web applications is easier than ever these days - or is it? A growing number of technologies are involved in creating even a simple web application. The choices can be overwhelming, and that’s before considering popular methodologies like Test-Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration, and Cloud Computing.

This book introduces you to Silex 2, a PHP-based microframework. You will be taken on a fabulous journey of amazing wonderment, guiding you through the creation of an image gallery application.

Silex-related topics will be covered, such as Controller Routing, Dependency Injection, Lazy Loading, Service Providers, and Middleware.

Supporting libraries and technologies will be introduced one chapter at a time. Here and there, we will backtrack and refactor code to make it cleaner and more maintainable.

Unit and Functional Testing will be used to help create a solid and reliable test suite, which will verify that refactoring hasn’t unintentionally broken the site or caused features to stop working as expected.

By exploring these technologies one-by-one, you’ll learn how to combine them into a complete web application. This will give you valuable insight when it comes time to research and apply the up-and-coming web technologies of tomorrow. 

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About the Author

Kevin Boyd
Kevin Boyd

Kevin has spent 20 years exploring the ins and outs of technology, from dialing up to BBSes over a 2400 baud modem to building and operating his own portfolio of web applications. Along the way, he's picked up numerous skills, including the tendency to speak about himself in the third person for profile and biography pages.

Were he able to speak freely for himself in the first person, he would no doubt say something like:

"I greatly appreciate your interest in my books and I hope you'll purchase one."

He might also add:

"I like building web applications because I feel that the Open Web must continue to be a game-changing innovation provider for humanity. Too many organizations are vying to restrict access with walled gardens that exploit their own customers. I want to share my knowledge in the hopes that others will apply it in ways that can improve lives, instead of treating people like bank numbers."

However, he would be concerned that the above quote might be taken too seriously.

In addition to being obsessed with computers and software development, Kevin is also a father of two and plays at being a photographer in his free time. Many of his photographs are available for purchase on his website.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Baseline Assumptions
    • Our Application: The Image Gallery
  • Chapter One: Getting Started
    • What is a Microframework?
    • The Anatomy of Silex
    • Installing PHP and Composer
    • Composing the Project (composer.json)
    • Bootstrapping (bootstrap.php)
    • Controlling the Front (web/index.php)
    • Running Our Application
  • Chapter Two: Routing and File Uploads
    • Upload Limits
    • The Viewer
    • The Gallery
  • Chapter Three: Service Providers and Template Engines
    • Get Twiggy With It
    • Enter the Templates
    • Witness the Power of a Fully Operational Template Engine
    • Writing Our Service
    • Of Lambdas and Service Providers
    • Adjusting the Thumbnail Route
  • Chapter Five: Doctrine DBAL
    • The Doctrine Is In
    • Our Schema
    • Our Incoming Data
    • Gallery Rewrite
    • Viewer Rewrite
    • Service Update
    • Now We’re Cooking With Data
  • Chapter Six: Against the Grain
    • The Little Framework That Could
    • The Homepage
    • What About Uploads?
    • Aren’t you forgetting something?
    • The Gallery
    • The Grid Is Open Source
  • Chapter Seven: PHPUnit - More Than Just Unit Testing
    • Configuring The Test Suite
    • Preparing The App For Testing
    • Adding The First Test
    • Testing the Workflow
    • Wrapping Things Up
    • Running The Tests

Causes Supported

Open Sourcing Mental Illness, Ltd

Changing how we talk about mental health in the tech community.

Changing how we talk about mental health in the tech community.

Open Sourcing Mental Illness is a non-profit, 501c3 corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open source communities. OSMI began in 2013 as a speaking campaign by Ed Finkler. Ed started speaking at tech conferences about his personal experiences as a web developer and open source advocate with a mental health disorder. The response was overwhelming, and Ed has continued to speak, gather data, and organize efforts to change experiences of those with mental health disorders in the tech workplace. This includes speaking at conferences and companies, conducting research, and creating documentation to assist companies in making supportive environments for those impacted by mental health disorders. He is assisted in these efforts by selfless volunteers who bring their time and expertise to bear on this important issue.

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