Servers for Hackers (The Book, Case Studies & Videos)
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Servers for Hackers

Server Administration for Programmers

About the Book

Don't catch Accidental Sysadmin Syndrome™

Application development is getting more complex, and we developers need to know how to setup and maintain the servers that run our applications. Don’t get stuck at 3am with a broken server, or in the middle of your workday fighting configuration. Learn how to administer your servers!

Run & Manage Web Servers

Learn how to install and configure Nginx, Apache so you can serve your web applications.

Multi-Server Setup

Learn how to connect multiple servers so they can work together for load balancing, caching, redundancy and more.

Latest Technologies

Learn how to install and manage the latest technologies, including setting up queues/workers, monitoring processes so they don’t fail, handling server and applications logging and more!

Setup and Security

Learn how to setup each server with needed software and security configuration to keep your applications and their data safe.

This includes preventing unauthorized access, managing permissions and users, learning how to use the iptables firewall, configuring SSH, enabling SSL certificates and more!

Case Studies

Read the case studies to learn from specific examples from real-world usage.

These includes examples of load balancing, web server configuration, caching and more!

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About the Author

Chris Fidao
Chris Fidao

I'm Chris Fidao. I write Servers for Hackers, the newsletter read by over 11000 programmers who want to learn about the servers their applications run on.

I code software at UserScape, write about software at and, of course, write about servers at Find me on twitter @fideloper.


The Book

The Servers for Hackers eBook, including 35+ chapters and over 300 pages of information programmers need to know about their servers!

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The Book + Case Studies

In addition to the content of the Servers for Hackers eBook, you'll receive the case studies with examples of real-world use of examples in the book!


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    Case Studies

    Examples of real-world use of configurations found in the book (and some extras)!

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  • English

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The Book, Case Studies & Videos

In addition to the Servers for Hackers eBook and the Case Studies, you'll receive 12+ instructional videos on Ansible, SSL Certificates, Vagrant, and Supervisord.


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    Case Studies

    Examples of real-world use of configurations found in the book (and some extras)!

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  • English

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Table of Contents

    • Servers
      • Video Site
      • Book Issues
  • Introduction
    • Accidental Sysadmin Syndrome
      • Assumptions
    • Linux Distributions
    • The Sandbox
      • Install Virtualbox and Vagrant
      • Configure Vagrant
      • Vagrant Up!
      • Basic Commands
      • Basic Software
      • Review
  • Security
    • Users and Access
      • IP Addresses
      • Creating a New User
      • Making Our User a Super User
    • Setting Up the Firewall: Iptables
      • Adding these rules
      • Inserting Rules
      • Deleting Rules
      • Saving Firewall Rules
      • Defaulting to DROP Over ACCEPT
      • Logging Dropped Packets
      • Firewalls with UFW
    • Fail2Ban
      • Iptables Integration
      • Installation
      • Configuration
    • Automatic Security Updates
  • Package Managers
    • Apt
      • New (as of 16.04 Xenial, continuing into 18.04 Bionic)
      • Installing
      • Repositories
      • Examples
      • Searching Packages
  • Permissions and User Management
    • Permissions
      • Checking Permissions
      • Changing Permissions
    • User Management
      • Creating Users
      • Umask & Group ID Bit
      • ACL’s
      • Running Processes
  • Webservers
    • HTTP, Web Servers and Web Sites
      • A Quick Note on DNS
    • DNS & Hosts File
      • Virtual Hosts
    • Hosting Web Applications
      • Three Actors
    • Apache
      • Installing
      • Configuration
      • Virtual Hosts
      • Apache and Web Applications
      • MPM Configuration
      • Security Configuration
      • Envvars
    • Nginx
      • Features
      • Installation
      • Web Server Configuration
      • Servers (virtual hosts)
      • Integration with Web Applications
    • PHP
      • Installation
      • Configuration
      • PHP-FPM
      • PHP in Nginx: Subdirectories
    • Server Setup for Multi-Tenancy Apps
      • DNS
      • Multi-Tenancy in Apache
      • Multi-Tenancy in Nginx
  • SSL Certificates
    • SSL Overview
      • Using SSL in Your Application
    • Creating Self-Signed Certificates
      • Creating a Wildcard Self-Signed Certificate
      • Apache Setup
      • Nginx Setup
      • One Server Block
    • Extra SSL Tricks
    • LetsEncrypt
      • Web Server Security
      • Install Letsencrypt
      • Install a Certificate
      • Nginx Configuration
      • Renewal
  • Multi-Server Environments
    • Implications of Multi-Server Environments
      • Asset Management
      • Sessions
      • Lost Client Information
      • SSL Traffic
      • Logs
    • Load Balancing with Nginx
      • Balancing Algorithms
      • Configuration
      • Mapping Headers
    • SSL with Nginx
      • SSL-Termination
      • SSL-Passthru Support
      • When to use Pass-Thru
      • Load Balancer (Server A, at
      • Web Server (Server B, at
    • Load Balancing with HAProxy
      • Common Setups
      • Installation
      • HAProxy Configuration
      • Monitoring HAProxy
      • Sample NodeJS Web Server
    • SSL with HAProxy
      • HAProxy with SSL Termination
      • HAProxy with SSL Pass-Through
      • Sample NodeJS Web Server
  • Web Cache
    • Nuts and Bolts of HTTP Caching
      • Object Caches
      • Web Caches
      • Types of HTTP Caches
    • An Origin Server
      • Testing Caching Mechanisms
    • Nginx Web Caching
      • Use Cases
      • How It Will Work
      • Origin Server
      • Cache Server
      • Proxy Caching
      • Example: Caching Specific URIs
    • Varnish
      • Origin Server
      • Install Varnish
      • Basic Configuration
      • Increasing Cache Hit Rate
      • Varnish Tools
      • Extra Resources
  • Logs
    • Logrotate
      • What does Logrotate do?
      • Configuring Logrotate
      • Going Further
    • Rsyslog
      • Configuration
      • Usage
      • Should I Use Rsyslog?
      • Sending To Rsyslog From An Application
  • File Management, Deployment & Configuration Management
    • Managing Files
      • Copying Files Locally
      • SCP: Secure Copy
      • Rsync: Sync Files Across Hosts
      • Deployment
    • Auto-deploy with GitHub
      • How it Works
      • Node Listener
      • Shell Script
      • Putting it together
      • Firewall
    • Configuration Management with Ansible
      • Install
      • Managing Servers
      • Basic: Running Commands
      • Basic Playbook
      • Roles
      • Facts
      • Vault
  • SSH
    • Logging in
    • SSH Config
    • SSH Tunneling
      • Local Port Forwarding
      • Remote Port Forwarding
    • One-Off Commands & Multiple Servers
      • Basic Ansible
  • Monitoring Processes
    • A Sample Script
    • System Services
      • System V Init (SysVinit, SysV)
      • Systemd
      • Upstart
      • The Service Command
      • Using These Systems
    • Supervisord
      • A Chain of Process Monitors
      • Installation
      • Configuration
      • Controlling Processes
      • Web Interface
    • Forever
      • Installation
      • Usage
    • Circus
      • Installation
      • Configuration
      • Controlling Processes
      • Web Interface
      • Starting on Boot
  • Development and Servers
    • Serving Static Content
      • Built-In
      • NodeJS
      • Dynamic Content

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