Python and Django Web Developer
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Python and Django Web Developer

Build your First Web Application from Scratch

About the Book

So, you are looking to build a great site with Django and Python, right ?

Build the most awesome websites with Python and Django, learn the basics with this book and speed up your learning curve.

This is the best Django book, it is the perfect introduction for you to take a look under the hood and understand everything that makes a Django site, hopefully it will be a motivation for you to continue learning Python and programming in general.

How fast can you learn Django?

Learning Django may take 2 – 3 weeks.

Can I learn Django without knowing Python?

It's not easy to learn Django if you don't have a strong foundational knowledge of Python. You don't need to learn everything in Python but at least make your fundamental concepts clear in Python to start with the Django application. Focus especially on classes and object-oriented programming in Python.

Is Django front end or Backend?

Django is a collection of Python libs allowing you to quickly and efficiently create a quality Web application, and is suitable for both Frontend and Backend.

Does Django use REST API?

A typical Django application that uses React as a front end. It needs an API to allow React to consume data from the database. For example, in web development, many applications rely on REST APIs to allow the front end to talk to the back end.

Should I learn Python with Django in 2021 ?

You have to learn python first then django since django is a web framework only & written in python. for python starting with Learn Python from Scratch would be best since it covers most basic part of python.

What is Django best for in 2021 ?

Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. Built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel.

With this Django Book you will get to know everything about the most popular Python framework for web development. Django is a full-stack framework and includes all the necessary features by default instead of offering them as separate libraries.

Check out other books from the author:

Learning Python Programming from Scratch

Javascript Snippets

Appwrite Up and Running

Front End Developer Interview Questions

ReactJS Documentation

Backend Developer Interview Questions

VueJS Documentation


Data Science Workflow for Beginners

About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

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Table of Contents

  • Other Books by Alejandro
    • Recommended Resources
  • Introduction
    • Who is this book for ?
    • What this book covers ?
  • Chapter 1: Python Installation
    • Let’s start with Python
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Gedit
    • Sublime Text 3
    • Atom
    • Why are we installing a code editor?
  • Chapter 2: Introduction to Python
    • Python prompt
    • Your first Python command!
    • Strings
    • Errors
    • Variables
    • The print function
    • Lists
    • Dictionaries
    • Compare things
    • Boolean
  • Save it!
    • If … elif … else
    • Comments
    • Your own functions!
    • Loops
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Starting with Django
    • What is Django?
    • Why do you need a framework?
    • What happens when someone requests a website from your server?
    • Virtual environment
    • Working with virtualenv
    • Installing Django
    • Your first Django project!
    • Changing settings
    • Set up a database
    • Starting the web server
  • Chapter 4: Explore and Deploy Django
    • Django models
    • Objects
    • Django model
    • Django admin
    • Deploy Django!
  • Git
    • Installing Git
    • Starting our Git repository
    • Pushing your code to GitHub
  • Setting up our blog on PythonAnywhere
    • Sign up for a PythonAnywhere account
    • Creating a PythonAnywhere API token
    • Configuring our site on PythonAnywhere
    • You are now live!
    • Debugging tips
  • Check out your site!
  • Chapter 5: Django URLs
    • What is a URL?
    • How do URLs work in Django?
    • Your first Django URL!
    • blog.urls
  • Chapter 6: Django Views
    • blog/
  • Chapter 7: Introduction to HTML
    • What is HTML?
    • Your first template!
    • Head and body
    • Customize your template
    • One more thing: deploy!
  • Chapter 8: Django ORM and QuerySets
    • What is a QuerySet?
    • Django shell
  • Chapter 9: Django templates
    • What are template tags?
    • Display post list template
    • One more thing
  • Chapter 10: Dynamic data in templates
    • QuerySet
  • Chapter 11: Template extending
    • Create a base template
  • Adding CSS to the template
    • What is CSS?
    • Let’s use Bootstrap!
    • Install Bootstrap
    • Static files in Django
    • Your first CSS file!
  • Chapter 13: Extend your application
    • Create a template link to a post’s detail
    • Create a URL to a post’s detail
    • Add a post’s detail view
    • Create a template for the post details
  • Deploy time!
    • Updating the static files on the server
  • Chapter 14: Django Forms
    • Link to a page with the form
    • URL
    • post_new view
    • Template
    • Saving the form
    • Form validation
    • Edit form
    • Security
    • One more thing: deploy time!
  • Keep developing your Python skills
  • About the Author

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