Procedural Generation using Ray Marching
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Procedural Generation using Ray Marching

About the Book

This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the fascinating world of Procedural Generation and Ray Marching. It is designed to be accessible to anyone with a high school understanding of Mathematics and experience with a programming language. It provides a self-contained approach that requires no prior knowledge of the subject.

The book covers essential concepts such as Ray Marching and Signed Distance Fields, as well as advanced techniques like atmospheric effects, different types of lighting, stunning skies, and camera effects. You'll learn how to create impressive visual effects that will elevate your portfolio and give you a deeper understanding of Computer Graphics.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this book will help you master the art of Procedural Generation and Ray Marching. With clear explanations, practical examples and numerous challenges, you'll gain a deep understanding of the subject and be able to apply what you've learned to your own projects.

About the Author

Muhammad Ahmad
Muhammad Ahmad

I am a Software Developer with huge interests in Artificial Intelligence and making things from scratch. In order to satisfy this, I have completed numerous courses on Coursera including the Deep Learning Specialisation.

I have also made neural networks, compilers, interpreters, Operating Systems, emulators and much more from scratch. I aim to convert this experience into high quality resources for like-minded people, who have the desire to make things from scratch but do not know where to start.

Finally, the best way to learn is to make something from scratch, as you are explaining things to a machine that has no conception of what you are building.

Table of Contents

    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Lighting: Introduction
    • 3. Lighting: Cast Shadows
    • 4. Lighting: Diffuse
    • 5. Lighting: Indirect

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Endangered Language Fund

ELF supports endangered languages all over the world.

ELF is a 501(c)3 founded in 1996 with the goal of supporting endangered language preservation and documentation projects. Our main mechanism for supporting work on endangered languages has been funding grants to individuals, tribes, and museums. ELF’s grants have promoted work in over 30 countries and have seen a wide range of projects, from the development indigenous radio programs in South Dakota, to recording of the last living oral historian of the Shor language of western Siberia, to the establishment of orthographies and literacy materials to be used by endangered language teaching programs all over the world.

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