Infrastructure as Code with OpenTofu
Infrastructure as Code with OpenTofu
A perfect Terraform alternative to manage compute, storage, networking and other infrastructure resources
About the Book
This book is a must-have for cloud and DevOps professionals looking to take their infrastructure automation skills to the next level with OpenTofu. It'll give you the hands-on techniques you need to streamline your infrastructure provisioning, deployment, and management, ensuring efficiency and consistency across environments.
This book will take you through the ins and outs of OpenTofu, from setting up the initial configurations to deploying scalable and secure infrastructures. It teaches about how to automatically update infrastructure, how to create resources using loops and conditionals, and how to securely handle sensitive data. It teaches to work with GitHub Actions to improve deployment workflows so you can seamlessly integrate and deploy things. It also covers secret management, dynamic scaling, and integrating third-party tools to take OpenTofu's capabilities a step further.
This book is basically a hands-on guide for folks with experience, showing how to replace old IaC tools with OpenTofu, and it's packed with easy-to-practice examples. By the time you're done, you'll be able to automate complex infrastructure tasks, make sure everything is secure, and use your resources as efficiently as possible. This book is a must for anyone looking to up their infrastructure management game and adopt cutting-edge automation techniques using OpenTofu.
Key Learnings
- Use OpenTofu's intuitive configurations to automate infrastructure deployments efficiently.
- Leverage loops and conditionals for scalable, repeatable resource provisioning.
- Securely manage sensitive data with environment variables and secret management services.
- Seamlessly integrate OpenTofu with GitHub Actions for streamlined CI/CD pipelines.
- Implement dynamic scaling strategies to handle varying application loads effectively.
- Utilize modules to create reusable, maintainable infrastructure components.
- Automate infrastructure updates to maintain consistency across multiple environments.
- Replace Terraform with OpenTofu to achieve cost-effective, flexible infrastructure management.
Table of Content
- Introduction to OpenTofu and IaC
- Hands-on with OpenTofu Configurations
- Exploring OpenTofu for Applications
- Advanced Resource Management
- Reusability with OpenTofu Modules
- State Management in OpenTofu
- Building and Deploying Apps
- Organizing and Managing Workspaces
- Importing and Managing Existing Infrastructure
- Deploying and Scaling Infrastructure
- Advanced Features and Automation
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