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Life is Like a Dream and There is a Way to Wake Up

About the Book

Could life be like a dream, seriously? In both East and West, many great minds had pondered such a possibility for millenniums. In the West, Descartes raised his Dream Argument. While in the East, Zhuang Zhou, confounder of Daoism, had his butterfly dream. However, philosophical arguments can establish a mere possibility. With advances in modern science, specifically Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, people start to realize the similarity between the physical world and a dream world. In this book, a new interpretation of Quantum Mechanics -- Dream-like-world theory is proposed to reveal and explain the underneath unity of all phenomena. Empirical evidence to support this theory is provided by findings in Exceptional Human Function (EHF) research, which has been conducted by researchers in main land China and Taiwan for decades, yet still remains unknown to western world. The Dream-like-world theory points to a new direction of investigation and has profound implications in science, religion, and morality. The latter half of the book introduces a practical method of awakening which opens the gateway of the subjective and the objective. If nothing else, this book will definitely give readers food for thought that they have never tasted before.

About the Author


Omni-living League is designated as the author of this book. I welcome more people to join this league of mind-training. Anyone who investigates the dream-like nature of life is a member of Omni-living League. I hope that people with literature talent will refine this book and popularize this new approach of investigating life and world. The copyright of this book is CC BY, which gives great freedom to future writers. I also hope that western researchers will adventure into the field of EHF study and make great discovery. I encourage parents to train their preteen children with the four simple steps of Prof. Lee's finger-vision training (P. 101). The result might surprise you. If your children do develop EHF skills, please tell your friends and relatives and encourage them join the effort of omni-living. Most importantly, I hope that talented individuals will give the method in Part Two a try. I could not make noticeable progress due to my overactive thinking mind. I hope that you will succeed and then let me and other fellow humans witness the great result of this method.

Table of Contents

Part One ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 1

Chapter 1 My Dream ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 2

Chapter 2 The Butterfly Dream ................................ ................................ ...................... 3

Chapter 3 Descartes’ Dream and Demon ................................ ................................ ....... 11

Chapter 4 Which Path to Take – Your Choice ................................ .............................. 16

Chapter 5 The Allegory of the Cave ................................ ................................ ............. 18

Chapter 6 The Limitations of Our Sensation and Perception ................................ ....... 20

Chapter 7 Kant’s Spectacles – How Our Perceptions and Cognition Are Distorted .... 28

Chapter 8 Einstein’s Spacetime –Revealing the Unification of Space and Time ......... 35

Chapter 9 Quantum Mechanics – Unifying the Subjective and the Objective? ........... 46

Chapter 10 Prevailing Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics................................ ..... 59

Chapter 11 My Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics – Dream-like-world Theory .... 69

Chapter 12 Ancient Chinese Masters Were Omni-living? ................................ ............ 80

Chapter 13 Empirical Evidence to Support Dream-like-world Theory ........................ 92

Chapter 14 Ushering in a New Paradigm of Science ................................ .................. 124

Chapter 15 Religion – A Way of Shaping Our Operators? ................................ ......... 139

Chapter 16 Implications on Morality ................................ ................................ .......... 149

Part Two ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 153

Chapter 1 Understand and Experience “KNOWING without Knowing” .................. 154

Chapter 2 The Simple Version of the Method ................................ ............................. 169

Chapter 3 The Technical Version of the Method ................................ ........................ 172

Chapter 4 Dangerous Pitfalls Along the Way ................................ ............................. 182

Chapter 5 Final Words on Our Dream-Like Life ................................ ........................ 185

Causes Supported

Prison Yoga Project

You may never set foot in prison but you can change a prisoner's life.

The Prison Yoga Project is dedicated to bringing yoga and mindfulness to incarcerated and at risk populations in the US and worldwide.

With twelve years of experience teaching yoga and mindfulness in San Quentin State Prison, James Fox founded Prison Yoga Project to bring his unique methodology to prisons and rehabilitation facilities everywhere. We believe in Restorative Justice and victim-offender education. We provide a cost-effective method of improving prisoner health with a focus on changing behavior; we believe in addressing the damage done and providing tools for self rehabilitation. We’ve helped hundreds of prisoners by instilling self-control and fostering accountability. While they’re ‘doing time,’ we focus on violence prevention, impulse control, mood disorders, depression, despair, addiction and PTSD. We have trained over 600 teachers in the last three years and have operating classes in over 50 American prisons and dozens of rehab facilities. Prison Yoga Project is fiscally sponsored by Give Back Yoga Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) corporation.

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