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学术界的面貌正在改变。仅仅发表论文或销声匿迹已经不再足够。我们现在处于一个Twitter、Github、Figshare和Alt Metrics成为科学工作流程常规部分的时代。在这里,我给出了关于使用哪些工具,如何使用它们以及需要注意什么的高层次建议。这本书适合所有级别的科学家,他们希望跟上影响现代科学职业的当前技术发展。这本书部分基于作者的热门指南,包括
关于作者:Jeff Leek 是约翰霍普金斯彭博公共卫生学院的生物统计学副教授。他是Coursera上的约翰霍普金斯数据科学专业的联合创始人和联合主任,已经招收了超过300万名有抱负的数据科学家。他的研究已经帮助我们理解大脑发育、钝力伤害和癌症的基因基础。他在Simply Statistics网站上撰写博客,并可以在Twitter上找到,地址是@jtleek和@simplystats
Jeff is Chief Data Officer, Vice President, and J Orin Edson Foundation Chair of Biostatistics at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Previously, he was a professor of Biostatistics and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and co-director of the Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab. His group develops statistical methods, software, data resources, and data analyses that help people make sense of massive-scale genomic and biomedical data. As the co-director of the Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab he helped to develop massive online open programs that have enrolled more than 8 million individuals and partnered with community-based non-profits to use data science education for economic and public health development. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and a recipient of the Mortimer Spiegelman Award and Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Presidential Award.
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