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Informazioni sugli Autori
Paul M. Jones is an internationally recognized PHP expert who has worked as everything from junior developer to VP of Engineering in all kinds of organizations (corporate, military, non-profit, educational, medical, and others). Paul's latest open-source project is the Atlas Persistence Framework for PHP. Among his other accomplishments, Paul is the lead developer on Aura for PHP and Solar Framework, and the creator of the Savant template system. He has authored a series of authoritative benchmarks on dynamic framework performance, and was a founding contributor to the Zend Framework (the DB, DB_Table, and View components). Paul was a founding member of the PHP Framework Interoperability Group, where he shepherded the PSR-1 and PSR-2 recommendations, and was the primary author on the PSR-4 autoloader recommendation. He was also a member of the Zend PHP 5.3 Certification education advisory board. He blogs at In a previous career, Paul was an operations intelligence specialist for the US Air Force, and enjoys putting .308 holes in targets at 400 yards.
I'm a linux man and a php developer. I like cross-cultural environments: who knows me well also knows what I mean. This is why, for now and occasionally, I translate books from english to italian.
Sono un utente linux ed uno sviluppatore php. Mi piacciono gli ambienti multiculturali: chi mi conosce bene sa cosa intendo. Per questo motivo, ogni tanto, traduco libri dall'inglese all'italiano.
twitter: @damko