Measuring Continuous Delivery
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Measuring Continuous Delivery

The what, why, and how of measuring Continuous Delivery

About the Book

How do you measure IT performance?

How do you decide which Continuous Delivery practices to try in your organisation?

How do you know if your adoption of Continuous Delivery is headed towards success?


Continuous Delivery is a set of holistic principles and practices to reduce time to market and provide an organisation with a strategic competitive advantage, but adoption is invariably a challenging and time-consuming journey. Before adoption, the current time to market and desired time to market are often unknown, which makes alignment and collaboration between individuals, teams, and departments difficult. During adoption practices, techniques, and tools are often introduced without acceptance criteria, with makes it hard to assess and learn from the impact of changes.

In this book, Steve Smith shows how to measure your Continuous Delivery journey, so you can understand how fast you're travelling and how fast you need to go.

Who should read this book

This book is for executives, managers, leaders, and practitioners who wish to adopt Continuous Delivery, and are stuck on one or more of the following questions:

  • What would Continuous Delivery look like for my organisation?
  • Where should you start to try and make improvements?
  • How do you know if practice X/technique Y/tool Z has had a positive impact? 

In this book

This book describes the what, why, and how of measuring Continuous Delivery.

Chapter 1 introduces the main theme of the book - how to facilitate a successful adoption of Continuous Delivery, by combining the Improvement Kata with stability and throughput measurements. Chapter 2 outlines the theory behind measures, metrics, and indicators of stability and throughput. Chapters 3 to 7 are a deep dive into Deployment Stability, Deployment Throughput, Build Stability, Build Throughput, and Code Throughput indicators. Chapter 8 shows how to use those indicators to power the Improvement Kata and implement Continuous Delivery.

This book will contain a high-level discussion of Continuous Delivery principles, practices, and techniques. The reader is assumed to have already read at least parts of Continuous Delivery by Dave Farley and Jez Humble, and Lean Enterprise by Jez Humble, Joanne Molesky, and Barry O'Reilly. There will be little advice on specific tools, as there is a smorgabord of good tools available in the Continuous Delivery space and there is never a single, perfect tool.


The foreword to this book is written by Dave Farley, co-author of the  Jolt Award winning Continuous Delivery, published in Martin Fowler’s Signature Series (Addison Wesley, 2010).

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About the Author

Steve Smith
Steve Smith

Steve Smith is an IT consultant specialising in Digital Transformation, Continuous Delivery, and Operability. Since 2008, Steve has worked on transformation transformation programmes, in leadership and hands-on roles for public and private sector organisations.

Those roles include creating a deployment pipeline for 8 teams/70 microliths in a media company with £14Bpa revenue, building an operability toolchain for 60 teams/600 microservices in a UK government department with £500Bpa revenue, and creating a Continuous Delivery & Operability strategy for 30 teams/100 microservices in a high street retailer with £2Bpa website revenue.

Steve is a Principal Consultant and Operability Practice Lead at Equal Experts, a worldwide network of technology consultants that specialises in solving complex challenges for enterprise organisations.

Steve is the author of Measuring Continuous Delivery, plus a co-author of A Children's A to Z of Continuous Delivery and Build Quality In. Steve blogs at, chats on Twitter at @SteveSmith_Tech, and is a regular conference speaker.

About the Contributors

Dave Farley
Dave Farley

Continuous Delivery author

Dave Farley is a thought leader in the field of software development, and has a long track record in creating high-performance teams, shaping organisations for success and creating outstanding software. Dave is a co-author of Continuous Delivery, the book that describes what many regard as the state-of-the-art in software development. He is one of the authors of the Reactive Manifesto which describes a modern approach to high-performance, efficient, system design. He was also an early contributor to the Duke Award winning open source LMAX Disruptor project

Table of Contents

  • About Steve Smith
  • Also By Steve Smith
  • Foreword
  • Preface
    • Who should read this book
    • In this book
    • Audiobook
    • How to contact me
    • Acknowledgements
  • 1. Adopting Continuous Delivery
    • Introduction
    • Know Discontinuous Delivery
    • Understand Optimising For Robustness
    • Learn Continuous Delivery
    • Use the Improvement Kata
    • Measure Continuous Delivery
  • 2. Measuring Stability and Throughput
    • Introduction
    • Know the measures
    • Cultivate the metrics
    • Build the indicators
    • Understand the trends
  • 3. The Deployment Stability Indicator
    • Introduction
    • Establish the indicator
    • Implement the measurements
    • Understand the trends
  • 4. The Deployment Throughput Indicator
    • Introduction
    • Establish the indicator
    • Implement the measurements
    • Understand the trends
  • 5. The Build Stability Indicator
    • Introduction
    • Establish the indicator
    • Implement the measurements
    • Understand the trends
  • 6. The Build Throughput Indicator
    • Introduction
    • Establish the indicator
    • Implement the measurements
    • Understand the trends
  • 7. The Mainline Throughput Indicator
    • Introduction
    • Establish the indicator
    • Implement the measurements
    • Understand the trends
  • 8. Making Improvements
    • Introduction
    • Bootstrap the Improvement Kata
    • Plan an improvement cycle
    • Execute an improvement cycle
    • Accumulate improvement cycles
  • Workbook
  • Version History
  • Notes

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