Master Veeam Tricks Volume 1 - Portuguese Edition

Master Veeam Tricks Volume 1 - Portuguese Edition

Sobre o Livro

Este livro é uma compilação de tópicos Veeam escritos por especialistas de todo o mundo. Os tópicos incluem solução de problemas, instalação, configurações de fornecedor (Nutanix, Amazon Web Services, StarWind, Microsoft Azure e NetApp) e muito mais. Os autores da lista são alguns dos mais respeitados profissionais de virtualização em sua indústria e do fato de que todos eles se reuniram para um livro como este é impressionante. Cada um deles é um membro do prestigiado Veeam Vanguard programa que tem um mero 50 + Membros em todo o mundo. 

O que você aprenderá lendo este livro é alguns de seus truques mestres para trabalhar com Veeam software. Nós sabemos que você apreciará o livro e será deixado querendo saber "quando é volume 2 ou 3 que saem".

Sobre os Autores

Dave Kawula
Dave Kawula

Dave is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. His background includes data communications networks within multi-server environments, and he has led architecture teams for virtualization, System Center, Exchange, Active Directory, and Internet gateways. Very active within the Microsoft technical and consulting teams, Dave has provided deep-dive technical knowledge and subject matter expertise on various System Center and operating system topics.

Dave is well-known in the community as an evangelist for Microsoft, 1E, and Veeam technologies. Locating Dave is easy as he speaks at several conferences and sessions each year, including TechEd, Ignite, MVP Days Community Roadshow, and VeeamOn. 

Recently Dave has been honored to take on the role of Conference Co-Chair of TechMentor with fellow MVP Sami Laiho.  The lineup of speakers and attendees that have been to this conference over the past 20 years is really amazing. Come down to Redmond or Orlando in 2018 and you can meet him in person.

As the founder and Managing Principal Consultant at TriCon Elite Consulting, Dave is a leading technology expert for both local customers and large international enterprises, providing optimal guidance and methodologies to achieve and maintain an efficient infrastructure.


Twitter: @DaveKawula

Craig Dalrymple
Craig Dalrymple

With over 25 years experience within the IT industry Craig Dalrymple is one of the original members of the Veeam Vanguard program and was select as VMware vExpert 2018. 

Craig has been involved with implementing and providing support for systems ranging from the early days of x386 to present day, with a background predominantly in field engineering. Nowadays dealing primarliy with virtualization technologies.

Craig is also one of the founding leaders of the Veeam User Group UK, and can be found presenting at these events from time to time.

Away from technology Craig helps run the vGamers discord channel and on the odd occasion can be found playing a game of rugby now and then.


Twitter: @cragdoo

Eugene Kashperovetskyi
Eugene Kashperovetskyi

Affectionately known as Eugene K, is a highly experienced web hosting professional with over a decade of hosting solutions support, design, implementation and automation, primarily focused on Cloud Platforms, Business Continuity and Security Services at INAP. Whether performing minor system optimizations or handling big projects with different unknowns involved, Eugene believes there is always a way to make it run smoothly, seamlessly and at a high rate of automation applied for routinely performed operations. He likes to be challenged with the tasks and do the research to approach the goal desired.

Mike Conjoice
Mike Conjoice

Mike is a Veeam Vanguard and vExpert with over 17 years’ experience in IT. Working from the humble beginnings of a helpdesk, Mike has worked at a range of companies, from Start-ups, to Multinational Corporations.  


Mike’s experience is primarily in the Microsoft ecosystem, moving through Infrastructure, Unified Comms, and now to Azure. He has a strong passion for PowerShell and will automate as much as he can throughout the day.  


Mike now works as a Solution Architect at Bupa Dental Care, one of the UKs largest dental chains, helping lead the strategy and architecture design for the business through a vast change of Digital Transformation. 


Along with his technical work, Mike has a love of teaching and sharing knowledge, speaking at many events across the globe, including VeeamON and Gartner in not only technical sessions, but business and strategy forums. 




Twitter: @mikeconjoice 


Rhys Hammond
Rhys Hammond

Rhys Hammond is a Senior Systems Engineer specialising in Data Availability. One of his goals is to help the IT community understand more of what Veeam can offer, as part of that effort,  he maintains, a Veeam and Virtualization-centric weblog providing information, insight, and technical knowledge on all things Veeam related.

  • In 2018, Rhys became a Veeam Certified Architect which is the highest level of Veeam technical certification.
  • In 2017, Rhys was awarded VMware vExpert for having demonstrated significant contributions to the community and a willingness to share expertise with others. VMware grants the vExpert as an honorary title for advocates of the company's products.
  • Also in 2017, Rhys was selected to join the Veeam Vanguard program, the Vanguard program is a global hand-selected list of people who represent Veeam's brand to the highest level in many of the different technology communities in which they engage. These individuals are chosen for their acumen, engagement and style in their activities both on and offline.
  • In 2015, Rhys was awarded Veeam Technical Champion for ANZ as a result of his passion and knowledge for the product.


Prefácio: Rick Vanover iii

Agradecimentos iv

Do Dave iv

Sobre os autores v

Dave Kawula – MVP / Veeam Vanguard v

Cristal Kawula – MVP / Veeam Vanguard vi


Rhys Hammond – VMware vExpert / Veeam Vanguard vii

Mike Conjoice – VMware vExpert / Veeam Vanguard viii


Craig Dalrymple – VMware vExpert / Veeam Vanguard ix

Eugene Kashperovetskyi – MVP / Veeam Vanguard x

Joaquim Santos – VMWare certificada Professional xi

Wesley Martins – ?? xiii

Ricardo Conzatti– ?? xiii

Valdecir Carvalho– ?? xiii

Leonardo Ferreira– ?? xiii

Editores técnicos xiv

Emile Cabot - MVP xiv

Cary Sun – Microsoft MVP / Cisco Champion xv

Contents xvi

Introdução 21

MVPDays 21

Arquivos de exemplo 22

Recursos adicionais 22

Capítulo 1 24

Veeam RESTful API e Postman 24

Postman 24

Veeam Enterprise Manager 26

RESTful API Autenticação 27

Usando Postman GET para obter de sessões de login 27

Usando Postman POST para obter o token de autenticação de sessão de logon 30

Adicionando um cabeçalho 34

Exemplo de fazer informação e chamada de API 35

Resumo 36

Capítulo 2 37

Relatório HTML de todos os trabalhos de cópia de Backup Veeam no PowerShell 37

Capítulo 3 42

Instalar Veeam Backup e replicação usando o PowerShell 42

Capítulo 4 59

A vida secreta de VBM arquivos 59

O que faz o arquivos do VMB? 59

Por que nós criamos VMBs? 59

Quando estão VMB arquivos criado? 59

Onde são armazenados arquivos VBM? 60

O que está dentro de um arquivo VBM? 60

Quando usamos arquivos VBM? 61

O que acontece se eu não tenho um arquivo VBM? 61

Capítulo 5 62

Dimensionamento de seu armazenamento de Backup e poupar dinheiro 62

Primeiro passo – avaliar a configuração do trabalho e os requisitos principais 63

Segundo passo – Verifique se o Windows backup alinhar com RPO/RTO 65

Passo 3-Verifique se a rede pode manipular os trabalhos de Backup 66

Passo 4-calcular os requisitos de armazenamento de Backup Total 67

Passo 5-mapear seu plano de provisionamento 72

Passo 6-plano de como gastar suas economias 73

Capítulo 6 74

Restaurando o Microsoft Active Directory 74

Capítulo 7 85

Configurando Veeam Virtual Lab 85

Capítulo 8 95

Certificações Veeam 95

Capítulo 9 96

Instalação, Backup, Restore e Desastre Recovery 96

Capítulo 10 97

Install, Backup, Restore e Disaster Recovery 97

Capítulo 11 98

Instalação, Backup, Restore e Desastre Recovery 98

Capítulo 11 99

Install, Backup, Restore e Disaster Recovery 99

Capítulo 12 100

Regra Backup 3-2-1 para o sucesso do seu backup 100

Capítulo 13 101

veeam-backup-enteprise-manager-introducao-e-instalacao 101

Capítulo 14 102

veeam-backup-enterprise-manager-configuracao-e-overview 102

Capítulo 15 103

Veeam-agent-introducao-e-criacao-de-protection-group 103

Capítulo 16 104

Se juntar a nós em MVPDays e encontrar grande MVP assim pessoalmente 104

Apresentações ao vivo 104

Treinamento gratuito 104

Classes de instrutor ao vivo 105

Serviços de consultoria 105

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