The Markua 0.30 Beta Manual
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The Markua 0.30 Beta Manual

How to Write in Markua 0.30 Beta on Leanpub

About the Book

About the Author

Peter Armstrong
Peter Armstrong

Peter Armstrong is the founder and CEO of Leanpub. He has over two decades of experience in software, including eight years as a developer at Silicon Valley startups. He founded Ruboss in 2008, and launched Leanpub in 2010.

Peter coined the term Lean Publishing. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress book using lightweight tools and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once you do.

Peter is the creator of Markua, the Markdown dialect used on Leanpub. He is the author of a number of books, including Lean Publishing, Aphantasia and Programming for Kids. He has a BSc in Computer Science and Psychology from the University of Victoria, and he and his wife live in Victoria, BC.

Table of Contents

  • Don’t Read This Book (Yet)
  • Introduction
    • The Magical Typewriter
    • How to Write a Novel in Markua
    • How to Write a Computer Programming Book in Markua
    • How to Write a Course (MOOC) in Markua
    • Markua: Markdown for Books and Courses
    • Why the Name “Markua”?
    • The Markua Manual vs. The Markua Spec
    • Markua 0.10 and Markua 0.29
    • Differences with Leanpub Flavoured Markdown (LFM)
    • Acknowledgments
  • Text Formatting
  • Headings
  • Paragraphs and Blank Lines
  • Resources
    • Resource Insertion Methods
      • Figures
      • Spans
      • Inserting Resources Into a Span Context
    • Resource Locations
      • Local Resources
      • Web Resources
      • Inline Resources
    • Resource Types and Formats
      • Images
      • Video
      • Audio
      • Code
      • Math
      • Tables
  • Whitespace: Spaces, Tabs and Newlines
    • Newlines
      • Single Newline = Forced Line Break
      • Three or More Newlines = Two Newlines = One Blank Line
      • One Blank Line Is Added When Concatenating Manuscript Files
      • All Blank Lines at the Beginning and End of a File are Removed
    • Spaces and Tabs
      • Spaces and Tabs at the Beginning of a Line are Only to Determine List Containment, and Extra Spaces are Removed
      • Spaces and Tabs at the End of a Line are Removed
      • Internal Spaces are Collapsed to One Space, Except At the End of Sentences
  • Lists
  • Definition Lists
  • Block Elements
    • Scene Breaks (* * *)
    • Blockquotes (>)
    • Asides (A> or {aside})
    • Blurbs (B> or {blurb})
      • Supported Attributes for Blurbs
      • Syntactic Sugar for Specific Blurb Classes: D>, E>, I>, Q, T, W>, X>
      • Using Blurbs to Center Text with C>
      • Using Extension Attributes on Blurbs to add icon Support
  • Quizzes and Exercises
    • Quiz and Exercise Headings and Other Content
    • An Empty Quiz or Exercise is Not an Error
    • A Malformed Quiz or Exercise is an Error
    • Supported Attributes on Quizzes and/or Exercises
    • Question Types: Multiple Choice, Fill In The Blank
      • Multiple Choice Questions
      • Fill In The Blank Questions
    • Creating a Course or MOOC from a Markua Document
    • Question Alternates
  • Span Elements
    • Links
      • Inline Links
      • Automatic Links
    • Explicitly Creating Spans with []
      • Sometimes a Square Bracket is Just a Square Bracket
    • Footnotes and Endnotes
      • Footnotes
      • Endnotes
      • Single Reference to Footnotes and Endnotes
      • Footnotes and Endnotes Support Required for Paragraphs Only
    • Crosslinks and ids
      • Defining an id
      • Referencing an id With a Crosslink
      • Rules for ids and Crosslinks
    • Character Substitution (X-- for X—, X -- for X –, ... for …)
      • Optional Automatic Curly Quotes Outside of Code Blocks and Spans
    • Escaping Special Characters with Backslash (\)
    • Code Spans and Backticks (`)
  • Metadata
    • Attributes
      • Attribute List Format
      • Attribute Keys
      • Attribute Values
      • id Attributes
      • Conditional Inclusion Attributes on Headings: book, sample
    • Directives
    • Page Breaks
  • Appendices
    • No Inline HTML
    • Differences with Markdown

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