A Major Event in PHP
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A Major Event in PHP

A thorough introduction to PSR-14: The Event Dispatcher standard.

About the Book

In early 2019, the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG) released PSR-14, the Event Dispatcher specification. At the time I posted a long series of blog posts detailing PSR-14 in all its glory.

This book is those blog posts, collected into a single ebook format and lightly edited to fit better in book format. The blog posts are still available and will remain so, but this is for those that prefer their FIG in ebook format, or who want to support the work of FIG and Open Sourcing Mental Illness (https://osmihelp.org/).

OSMI is a non-profit organization that works to raise awareness of and research information about mental health challenges in the tech community. 50% of all royalties for this book are automatically donated to OSMI to support their vital work.

About the Author

Larry Garfield
Larry Garfield

Larry Garfield is an aspiring blacksmith who moonlights as a Staff Engineer for the LegalZoom. He has been an active part of the PHP community for many years, in a variety of roles formal and informal.  When not trying to hand-forge his own medieval armory from scratch he tries to teach developers and development managers the skills of yesteryear that the industry has forgotten.

Table of Contents

    • Introduction
  • An Overview of PSR-14
    • About PSR-14
      • The goal
      • The spec
      • A trivial example
      • Code
      • Credits
    • All About Events
      • Identifying Events
      • Minimalist Events and backward compatibility
      • Mutating Events
      • Naming things
      • Stoppable Events
    • Being a Good Provider
      • Keeping order
      • Compiling for fun and profit
      • Auto-registration
      • Write your own
    • Advanced Providers
      • Self-referential Providers
      • Dynamic sub-type Providers
    • Compound Providers
      • Aggregate Providers
      • Delegating Providers
      • Bring it all together
      • Custom Providers
      • So what do we do with it?
  • Examples of PSR-14 in Action
    • Access Voting
      • Voting based access control
      • A dedicated Provider?
    • Plugin Registration
      • The use case
      • Event design
      • Change the world
      • The upshot
    • Delayed Events, Queues, and Asynchronicity
      • One-off queues
      • Auto-queuing
    • Non-blocking Application Server
    • Layered Caching
      • Define the problem
      • The tools
      • The Event
      • Listen carefully
      • Putting it all together
      • A Dedicated Provider?
      • The upshot
    • Conclusion

Causes Supported

Open Sourcing Mental Illness, Ltd

Changing how we talk about mental health in the tech community.

Changing how we talk about mental health in the tech community.

Open Sourcing Mental Illness is a non-profit, 501c3 corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open source communities. OSMI began in 2013 as a speaking campaign by Ed Finkler. Ed started speaking at tech conferences about his personal experiences as a web developer and open source advocate with a mental health disorder. The response was overwhelming, and Ed has continued to speak, gather data, and organize efforts to change experiences of those with mental health disorders in the tech workplace. This includes speaking at conferences and companies, conducting research, and creating documentation to assist companies in making supportive environments for those impacted by mental health disorders. He is assisted in these efforts by selfless volunteers who bring their time and expertise to bear on this important issue.

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