Learning Python Programming from Scratch
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Learning Python Programming from Scratch

Learn the key fundamentals of Python quickly

About the Book

The easiest and fastest way to develop an understanding of Python which will allow you to progress into Machine Learning, Data Science or Computer Vision. This book is ideal for beginners and also people coming from other programming languages who already know some of the programming concepts.

This book covers:

  • Variables.
  • Data Types.
  • Conditions.
  • Functions.
  • Classes.
  • Modules.
  • And more ...

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Can I learn Python from scratch?

Even though learning python is recommended for students with basics of programming languages, learning Python from scratch is possible for students who are learning with 0 previous programming experience, this book will help you by explaining all the basics of programming in Python.

How do I start python from scratch?

First thing to do for those interesting in learning python from scratch is to make sure they have a system capable of running python, then I would recommend you to visit Python's official site and download the official installer. Proceed to install python for the first time in your system, then run a Python "Hello World" program. Now you are ready to start learning python from scratch with this book.

Can I teach myself Python?

Yes, Python can be taught by yourself. This book is designed so you can teach yourself Python from very basics, it will explain all the basics of programming in Python, it's good either for people with previous programming knowledge and people starting from scratch.

Can I learn Python without any programming experience?

Yes, in fact you can learn python without any programming experience, this book is designed so you can learn programming at the same time you are learning python from scratch or without any programming experience before.

Can I learn Django without python?

No, Django is a framework built on Python, Django will allow you to build websites for example, since it is based on Python is recommended to learn Python before. If this is your first time learning Python then this book will help you learning Python and programming from the basics of programming. Then you can take a look at

Python and Django Web Developer

a book designed to help you learn Django.

Is Python worth learning 2021?

Absolutely, Python allows you to build websites and APIs, Python is everywhere and you can easily find programming jobs in any area from App development to Data Science. The salaries are high in 2021 for those developers with Python skills.

Should I learn Django or Python?

You should learn both, the idea is you will learn python first and then learn Django since Django is a framework built with Python that will make your programming life easier. Django will help you building websites and it is recommended to know at least the basics of programming with Python.

Is Django written in Python?

Yes, and Python runs on all platforms. So your apps built with Django will run anywhere, this is one of the main reasons you want to learn the basics of Python programming and then learn or teach yourself Django.

Can beginners learn Python?

Yes, with this book those students with little programming experience can learn python from scratch, the book is designed to help you learning the basic concepts of programming in Python.

How long will it take to master Python?

With the right motivation it can take anywhere from 2 weeks up to 5 weeks to learn the basics of Python, then you can move into learning Flask or Django, 2 of the most popular Python frameworks. After a year of regular practice and building different projects with all the extensive Python libraries available to you, it is possible to finally master python.

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    • Computers and Programming
    • Computer Science
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About the Author

Alejandro Garcia
A.J. García

I started my coding career back in 2003. Lately I've been involved a lot in Javascript for frontend and the backend.

I would love passing along to you some of the experiences and challenges I've faced over the years.

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Table of Contents

  • Other Books by Alejandro
    • Recommended Resources
  • Introduction
    • Who is this book for ?
    • What this book covers ?
  • Hey Python, nice meeting you !!
    • Story behind the name
    • Features of Python
  • Python Installation
    • Installation on Windows
    • Installation on Mac OS X
    • Installation on GNU/Linux
    • Test your Python installation
    • Summary
  • Starting with Python
    • Using The Interpreter Prompt
    • Choosing An Editor
    • PyCharm
    • Vim
    • Emacs
    • Using A Source File
    • Getting Help
    • Summary
  • Basics
    • Comments
    • Literal Constants
    • Numbers
    • Strings
    • Variable
    • Identifier Naming
    • Data Types
    • Object
    • How to write Python programs
    • Logical And Physical Line
    • Indentation
    • Summary
  • Operators and Expressions
    • Operators
    • Shortcut for math operation and assignment
    • Evaluation Order
    • Changing the Order Of Evaluation
    • Associativity
    • Expressions
    • Summary
  • Control Flow
    • The if statement
    • The while Statement
    • The for loop
    • The break Statement
    • The continue Statement
    • Summary
  • Functions
    • Function Parameters
    • Local Variables
    • The global statement
    • Default Argument Values
    • Keyword Arguments
    • VarArgs parameters
    • The return statement
    • DocStrings
    • The def statement
    • Other things to know about functions
    • lambda
    • Summary
  • Modules
    • Byte-compiled .pyc files
    • The from..import statement
    • A module’s __name__
    • Making Your Own Modules
    • The dir function
    • Packages
    • Summary
  • Data Structures
    • List
    • Quick Introduction To Objects And Classes
    • Tuple
    • Dictionary
    • Sequence
    • Set
    • References
    • More About Strings
    • Summary
  • Problem Solving
    • The Problem
    • The Solution
    • Second Version
    • Third Version
    • Fourth Version
    • More Refinements
    • The Software Development Process
    • Summary
  • Object Oriented Programming
    • The self
    • Classes
    • Methods
    • The __init__ method
    • Class And Object Variables
    • Inheritance
    • Summary
  • Input and Output
    • Input from user
    • Files
    • Pickle
    • Unicode
    • Summary
  • Exceptions
    • Errors
    • Exceptions
    • Handling Exceptions
    • Raising Exceptions
    • Try … Finally
    • The with statement
    • Summary
  • Python Standard Library
    • sys module
    • logging module
    • Learn more about the Standard Library
    • Summary
  • Additional Python Topics
    • Passing tuples around
    • Special Methods
    • Single Statement Blocks
    • Lambda Forms
    • List Comprehension
    • Receiving Tuples and Dictionaries in Functions
    • The assert statement
    • Decorators
    • Differences between Python 2 and Python 3
    • Summary
  • Keep developing your Python skills
  • About the Author

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