Kotlin Exercises
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Kotlin Exercises

About the Book

This is a collection of exercises and solutions from Kotlin Essentials, Functional Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines: Deep Dive, and Advanced Kotlin.

About the Author

Marcin Moskała
Marcin Moskała

Marcin Moskala is an experienced developer and Kotlin trainer. He is the founder of the Kt. Academy, Kotlin GDE, an official JetBrains partner for teaching Kotlin, and author of the books Effective Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines, and Android Development with Kotlin.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Kotlin Essentials exercises
      • Exercise: Your first program
      • Exercise: Basic values operations
      • Exercise: Using when
      • Exercise: Pretty time display
      • Exercise: Person details display
      • Exercise: Range Operations
      • Exercise: User Information Processor
      • Exercise: Implementing the Product class
      • Exercise: GUI View Hierarchy Simulation
      • Exercise: Data class practice
      • Exercise: Pizza factory
      • Exercise: Catching exceptions
      • Exercise: Days of the week enum
      • Exercise: Conversion and measurement unit creation
      • Exercise: Inventory management
      • Exercise: Money operations
      • Exercise: The closest supertype of types
      • Exercise: Stock
      • Final Project: Workout manager
    Functional Kotlin exercises
      • Exercise: Function types and literals
      • Exercise: Observable value
      • Exercise: Inferred function types
      • Exercise: Function references
      • Exercise: Inline functions
      • Exercise: Implement map
      • Exercise: Optimize collection processing
      • Exercise: Adding element at position
      • Exercise: Implement shop functions
      • Exercise: Prime access list
      • Exercise: Top articles
      • Exercise: Refactor collection processing
      • Exercise: Passing students list
      • Exercise: Best students list
      • Exercise: Functional Quick Sort
      • Exercise: Powerset
      • Exercise: All possible partitions of a set
      • Exercise: Understanding sequences
      • Exercise: HTML table DSL
      • Exercise: Creating user table row
      • Exercise: Using scope functions
      • Exercise: orThrow
      • Exercise: Logger
      • Final Project: UserService
    Kotlin Coroutines exercises
      • Exercise: Factorial sequence
      • Exercise: Prime numbers sequence
      • Exercise: Callback function wrappers
      • Exercise: Continuation storage
      • Exercise: What is stored by a continuation?
      • Exercise: UserDetailsRepository
      • Exercise: BestStudentUseCase
      • Exercise: CommentService
      • Exercise: mapAsync
      • Exercise: Understanding context propagation
      • Exercise: CounterContext
      • Exercise: Using dispatchers
      • Exercise: DiscNewsRepository
      • Exercise: Experiments with dispatchers
      • Exercise: Correct mistakes with cancellation
      • Exercise: NotificationSender
      • Exercise: BaseViewModel
      • Exercise: UserDownloader
      • Exercise: CompanyDetailsRepository
      • Exercise: CancellingRefresher
      • Exercise: Suspended lazy
      • Exercise: mapAsync with concurrency limit
      • Exercise: Test UserDetailsRepository
      • Exercise: Testing mapAsync
      • Exercise: Testing the NotificationSender class
      • Exercise: Testing a View Model
      • Exercise: UserRefresher
      • Exercise: Cafeteria simulation
      • Exercise: raceOf
      • Exercise: Flow utils
      • Exercise: All users flow
      • Exercise: distinct
      • Exercise: TemperatureService
      • Exercise: NewsViewModel
      • Exercise: ProductService
      • Exercise: Flow Kata
      • Exercise: MessageService
      • Exercise: Update ProductService
      • Exercise: Update TemperatureService
      • Exercise: LocationService
      • Exercise: PriceService
      • Exercise: NewsViewModel using stateIn
      • Exercise: Flow testing
    Advanced Kotlin exercises
      • Exercise: Usage of generic types
      • Exercise: Generic Response
      • Exercise: Generic Consumer
      • Exercise: ApplicationScope
      • Exercise: Lateinit delegate
      • Exercise: Blog Post Properties
      • Exercise: Mutable lazy delegate
      • Exercise: Coroutine time measurement
      • Exercise: Adjust Kotlin for Java usage
      • Exercise: Multiplatform LocalDateTime
      • Exercise: Migrating a Kotlin/JVM project to KMP
      • Exercise: Function caller
      • Exercise: Object serialization to JSON
      • Exercise: Object serialization to XML
      • Exercise: DSL-based dependency injection library
      • Exercise: Mocking library
      • Exercise: Annotation Processing execution measurement wrapper
      • Exercise: KSP execution measurement wrapper
    Effective Kotlin exercises
      • Exercise: A mutability problem
      • Exercise: Flow with history
      • Exercise: Correct InMemoryUserRepository
      • Exercise: Chunking a flow
      • Exercise: Specify expectations
      • Exercise: Unit testing
      • Exercise: Unit testing using mocks
      • Exercise: Composition vs inheritance
      • Exercise: Make DeckConnector comparable
      • Exercise: Correct EventListenerRegistry
      • Exercise: Market data processing optimization
      • Exercise: Prime access list
      • Exercise: Crime analysis
    • Exercise solutions
      • Solution: Basic values operations
      • Solution: Using when
      • Solution: Pretty time display
      • Solution: Person details display
      • Solution: Range Operations
      • Solution: User Information Processor
      • Solution: Implementing the Product class
      • Solution: GUI View Hierarchy Simulation
      • Solution: Data class practice
      • Solution: Pizza factory
      • Solution: Catching exceptions
      • Solution: Days of the week enum
      • Solution: Conversion and measurement unit creation
      • Solution: Inventory management
      • Solution: Money operations
      • Solution: The closest supertype of types
      • Solution: Stock
      • Solution: Workout manager
      • Solution: Function types and literals
      • Solution: Observable value
      • Solution: Inferred function types
      • Solution: Function references
      • Solution: Inline functions
      • Solution: Implement map
      • Solution: Optimize collection processing
      • Solution: Adding element at position
      • Solution: Implement shop functions
      • Solution: Prime access list
      • Solution: Top articles
      • Solution: Refactor collection processing
      • Solution: Passing students list
      • Solution: Best students list
      • Solution: Functional Quick Sort
      • Solution: Powerset
      • Solution: All possible partitions of a set
      • Solution: Understanding sequences
      • Solution: HTML table DSL
      • Solution: Creating user table row
      • Solution: Using scope functions
      • Solution: orThrow
      • Solution: Logger
      • Solution: UserService
      • Solution: Factorial sequence
      • Solution: Prime numbers sequence
      • Solution: Callback function wrappers
      • Solution: Continuation storage
      • Solution: What is stored by a continuation?
      • Solution: UserDetailsRepository
      • Solution: BestStudentUseCase
      • Solution: CommentService
      • Solution: mapAsync
      • Solution: Understanding context propagation
      • Solution: CounterContext
      • Solution: Using dispatchers
      • Solution: DiscNewsRepository
      • Solution: Experiments with dispatchers
      • Solution: Correct mistakes with cancellation
      • Solution: NotificationSender
      • Solution: BaseViewModel
      • Solution: UserDownloader
      • Solution: CompanyDetailsRepository
      • Solution: CancellingRefresher
      • Solution: Suspended lazy
      • Solution: mapAsync with concurrency limit
      • Solution: Test UserDetailsRepository
      • Solution: Testing mapAsync
      • Solution: Testing the NotificationSender class
      • Solution: UserRefresher
      • Solution: Cafeteria simulation
      • Solution: raceOf
      • Solution: Flow utils
      • Solution: All users flow
      • Solution: distinct
      • Solution: TemperatureService
      • Solution: NewsViewModel
      • Solution: ProductService
      • Solution: Flow Kata
      • Solution: MessageService
      • Solution: Update ProductService
      • Solution: Update TemperatureService
      • Solution: LocationService
      • Solution: PriceService
      • Solution: NewsViewModel using stateIn
      • Solution: Usage of generic types
      • Solution: Generic Response
      • Solution: Generic Consumer
      • Solution: ApplicationScope
      • Solution: Lateinit delegate
      • Solution: Blog Post Properties
      • Solution: Mutable lazy delegate
      • Solution: Coroutine time measurement
      • Solution: Adjust Kotlin for Java usage
      • Solution: Multiplatform LocalDateTime
      • Solution: Migrating a Kotlin/JVM project to KMP
      • Solution: Function caller
      • Solution: Object serialization to JSON
      • Solution: Object serialization to XML
      • Solution: DSL-based dependency injection library
      • Solution: Mocking library
      • Solution: Annotation Processing execution measurement wrapper
      • Solution: KSP execution measurement wrapper
      • Solution: A mutability problem
      • Solution: Flow with history
      • Solution: Correct InMemoryUserRepository
      • Solution: Chunking a flow
      • Solution: Specify expectations
      • Solution: Make DeckConnector comparable
      • Solution: Correct EventListenerRegistry
      • Solution: Market data processing optimization
      • Solution: Crime analysis

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