Go, from the beginning
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Go, from the beginning

from o to hero

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About the Author

Chris Noring
Chris Noring

Cloud Developer Lead at Microsoft

Google Developer Expert

Published author

Table of Contents

  • Your first program
    • Introduction
    • A history of Go
    • What is it used for though?
    • References
    • Features
    • Install Go
    • A Go program
    • Commands
    • Summary
    • ? Challenge
    • Review & Self Study
    • Assignment
    • Solution
  • Using variables
    • Introduction
    • Declare variables
    • Assign variables
    • Data types
    • String interpolation
    • Assignment - define some variables and print them out
    • ? Challenge
    • Review & Self Study
    • Solution
  • Flow control
    • Introduction
    • Flow control
    • The if construct
    • Using else if
    • Multiple expressions
    • Assignment - create a program that tests your Boolean logic
    • ? Challenge
    • Solution
    • Review & Self Study
  • Converting between types
    • Introduction
    • Why convert between types
    • Use case - command-line arguments
    • Convert from string to int with strconv
    • Parse string to int
    • Integer to string
    • Additional parsing
    • Assignment
    • Solution
    • ? Challenge
  • Working with loops
    • Introduction
    • The case for looping statements
    • The for loop
    • Repeat until the condition is met with while
    • Using for-each over a range
    • Controlling the loop with continue and break
    • Assignment - create a command line loop
    • ? Challenge
    • Solution
  • Reading user input
    • Introduction
    • User input
    • Managing user input with fmt
    • Reading one input
    • Reading multiple inputs
    • Scanf(), scan the input with formatters
    • Learn more
    • Assignment - read user input
    • ? Challenge
    • Solution
  • Using functions
    • Introduction
    • Why functions
    • Your first function main()
    • The anatomy of a function
    • Adding a return type
    • Multiple returns
    • Assignment - adding a function to a program
    • Solution
  • Handling errors
    • Introduction
    • Errors
    • Crash the program with panic()
    • Improve the error handling
    • Use the error pattern with the errors package
    • Assignment I - add error handling
    • Solution I
    • Assignment II - improve error logging
    • Solution II
  • Arrays and slices
    • Introduction
    • Arrays
    • Declare an array
    • Accessing elements
    • Length and capacity
    • Slices
    • Assignment - store log entries
    • Solution
  • Structs
    • Introduction
    • Why structs
    • Defining a struct
    • Embedding a struct
    • Adding implementation to structs
    • Assignment - defining a struct
    • Solution
  • Using maps
    • Introduction
    • The use case for a map
    • Creating a map
    • Read a value by key
    • Iterate over a map
    • Delete an entry
    • Assignment - build a phone book
    • Solution
    • Challenge
  • Interfaces
    • Introduction
    • Interface
    • Interface - describing a behaviour
    • Implement an interface
    • Type assertions
    • Change a value
    • Assignment
    • Solution
  • Your first project
    • Introduction
    • Module use cases
    • Consume internal files
    • Creating a project
    • The import statement
    • Assignment - create a project
    • Solution
    • Challenge
  • Consume an external module
    • Introduction
    • External module
    • Import module
    • Use it in code
    • Assignment - consume an external module
    • Solution
    • Challenge
  • Create a module meant for sharing
    • Introduction
    • Create a module
    • Assignment - create a module meant for sharing and consume it
    • Challenge
  • Test your code in Go
    • Introduction
    • Why we test
    • What Go provides
    • Your first test
    • Control the test run
    • Coverage
    • Learn more
    • Challenge
  • Working with JSON
    • Introduction
    • JSON
    • Reading JSON
    • Writing JSON
    • Assignment
    • Solution
    • ? Challenge
    • Learn more
  • Build a Web API
    • Introduction
    • Web API
    • The net/http library
    • Responding to a request
    • Working with the request
    • ServeMux, a better way
    • Assignment - build a first web app
    • Solution
    • Challenge
  • Better logging with a logging library
    • Introduction
    • Reasons to log
    • What to log
    • Using log
    • Assignment
    • Solution
  • Working with strings
    • Handling special characters
    • Inspect with Contains()
    • Parsing with Split()
    • Presentation
    • Assignment
    • Solution
  • Use regular expressions to parse text
    • What is RegEx and what to use it for
    • Why use RegEx
    • Where is it used ?
    • Your first RegEx
    • Character classes
    • Repetition
    • Anchors and boundaries
    • Groups
    • Named groups
    • Assignment - create a Go program that parses a URL
    • Replacing
    • Assignment - replace content
    • Solution II
  • Goroutines and channels
    • Introduction
    • Concurrency, what’s the benefit
    • Goroutines
    • Channels
    • Assignment - SearchFiles() with channels
    • Challenge
    • Solution
  • Working with a database
    • Introduction
    • Select a sqlite driver
    • Use sqlite3 from the console
    • Talking to your database via Go.
    • Assignment
    • Solution
  • Read and write to files
    • Introduction
    • Read a text file
    • Write text to a file
    • Append to a file
    • Assignment
    • Solution
    • Challenge
  • Perform operations on files and directories
    • Introduction
    • File information
    • Copy file
    • Rename
    • Remove file
    • Create dir
    • Read dir
    • Assignment
    • Solution

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