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You can use this page to email Ben Linders a Luis Gonçalves about Jak zvýšit přínos agilních retrospektiv.
O knize
Představujeme vám novou knihu s mnohými technikami, které lze použít pro vedení agilních retrospektiv. Dočtete se o tom, „co“ a „jak“ při retrospektivách dělat, jakou hodnotu a jaké výhody organizaci přinášejí a dáme vám rady ohledně zavedení retrospektiv ve vašich týmech a jejich neustálého zlepšování.
Tato kniha je určena pro agilní kouče, scrum mastery, projektové manažery, produktové manažery a facilitátory, kteří už mají s retrospektivami nějaké zkušenosti.
Ukážeme vám výsledky naší půlroční práce s agilní komunitou, abychom vám i týmům po celém světě pomohli dosáhnout zlepšení v praktikování retrospektiv.
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Tato kniha je k dostání také v angličtině: Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives.
Ben Linders & Luis Gonçalves
O autorech
Ben Linders is an Independent Consultant in Agile, Lean, Quality, and Continuous Improvement. Author of Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives, Waardevolle Agile Retrospectives, What Drives Quality, Problem? What Problem?, and Continuous Improvement. Creator of many Agile Coaching Tools, for example, the Agile Self-assessment Game.
As an adviser, coach, and trainer he helps organizations with deploying effective software development and management practices. He focuses on continuous improvement, collaboration and communication, and professional development, to deliver business value to customers.
Ben is a well-known speaker and author; he’s much respected for sharing his experiences and helping others share theirs. His books and games have been translated into more than 12 languages and are used by professionals in teams and organizations all around the world.
Ben is an active member of networks on Agile, Lean, and Quality, and a well-known speaker and author. He shares his experiences in a bilingual blog (Dutch and English), as an editor for Culture and Methods at InfoQ, and as an expert in communities like Computable, Quora, DZone, and TechTarget. Follow him on twitter: @BenLinders.
In need of advice, consultancy, training? Have a question? Contact me!
Luis Gonçalves is an Entrepreneur, Author, International Keynote Speaker and he is also the Managing Director of
As a Management Consultant he works with Senior Executives to implement his ADAPT Methodology so they can greatly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their organisations; enabling them to become recognised and highly rewarded Leaders.
Previously much of his career has been spent assisting various organisations to become more Agile and better at what they do. For more information on this topic, you can find different ideas on the list Agile Retrospectives Ideas or, for distributed teams, by clicking on Tools for Distributed Agile Retrospectives. General topics under: Agile Retrospective, Scrum, and Scrum Master.
At this moment Luis and his consultancy have now moved beyond Agile and spend all his time implementing his ‘Organisational Mastery’ product in organisations where OKRs are a fundamental piece of his approach.