You can use this page to email Cary Sun about 升級Exchange到2019 完全攻略.
本書涵蓋了規劃和準備、共存、升級硬體和軟體、配置新的 Exchange 2019 環境、遷移郵箱和公用資料夾以及遷移後任務。它還說明瞭如何排查和解決遷移過程中可能出現的常見問題。
本書以簡單的語言編寫,非常適合希望瞭解 Exchange 2010 到 2019 遷移的複雜性並確保順利、成功的遷移過程的 IT 專業人員。管理員可以藉助本指南自信地遷移其 Exchange 環境,從而最大限度地減少停機時間並確保業務連續性。
Cary Sun has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in data center and deployment solutions. As a Principal Consultant, he likely works closely with clients to help them design, implement, and manage their data center infrastructure and deployment strategies.
With his background in data center solutions, Cary Sun may have experience in server and storage virtualization, network design and optimization, backup and disaster recovery planning, and security and compliance management. He holds CISCO CERTIFIED INTERNETWORK EXPERT (CCIE No.4531) from 1999. Cary is also a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Microsoft Azure MVP, Veeam Vanguard and Cisco Champion. He is a published author with several titles, including blogs on Checkyourlogs.net, and the author of many books.
Cary is a very active blogger at checkyourlogs.net and is permanently available online for questions from the community. His passion for technology is contagious, improving everyone around him at what they do.
Blog site: https://www.checkyourlogs.net
Web site: https://carysun.com
Blog site: https://gooddealmart.com
Twitter: @SifuSun
in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sifusun/
Amazon Author: https://Amazon.com/author/carysun