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You can use this page to email Paulo Caroli about 7 passos para definir a estratégia do seu time.
Sobre o Livro
Fazer parte de um grande time é o sonho de qualquer pessoa que trabalha em equipe. Seja no futebol, no trabalho, ou na sua comunidade. Todos gostamos e queremos desfrutar do sucesso coletivo alcançado por pessoas super motivadas e alinhadas.
Este eBook compartilha um guia com sete passos para te ajudar a definir a estratégia do seu time.
Sobre o Autor
Principal consultant at Thoughtworks Brazil and co-founder of AgileBrazil, Paulo Caroli has over twenty years of experience in software development, passing in various corporations in Brazil, India, USA and Latin America. In 2000, he met the Extreme Programming and since then has focused its expertise in processes and practices of Agile & Lean. He joined ThoughtWorks in 2006 and held the positions of Agile Coach, Trainer and Project Manager. He received a Bachelor of Computer Science and MS in Software Engineering, both from PUC–Rio.
Paulo Caroli is a man who is passionate about innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital products. He is a software engineer, an author, an editor, a speaker and a successful facilitator.