You can use this page to email Jeff Leek about The Elements of Data Analytic Style (繁體中文版).
Jeff Leek 是約翰霍普金斯彭博公共衛生學院的生物統計學和腫瘤學副教授。他的研究專注於高維度數據分析、基因組學和公共衛生的融合區域。他是熱門網誌 'Simply Statistics Blog' 的共同編輯,並且是約翰霍普金斯數據科學專項課程的共同主任,該課程是世界上最大的數據科學課程,已有超過176萬人次報名參與。
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Leanpub exists to serve our authors. We want to help you reach as many readers as possible, in their preferred language. So, just as Leanpub automates the process of publishing a PDF and EPUB ebook, we've now automated the process of translating those books!