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About the Book
Get this book if you want an effective way to learn how to create NPM packages. This comprehensive guidebook is your go-to resource for mastering the art of creating, testing, and publishing NPM libraries in the React TypeScript ecosystem.
Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned developer, this book provides:
- Step-by-step instructions.
- Real-world examples.
- Best practices to streamline your NPM package development workflow.
Publishing NPM packages is a fantastic way to contribute to the developer community and advance your career. By the end of the book, you’ll be well-equipped to use React TypeScript to publish your code as an NPM library.
You do not need to have any prior knowledge of publishing packages. This beginner-friendly book takes you from zero to creating, testing, and publishing NPM packages like a pro. It uses a scalable project to explain the fundamentals of building and managing NPM packages from scratch.
With this invaluable guide, you can elevate your skills and become a proficient NPM package developer. Start building and sharing your React components today!
About the Author
Why should learning to be a software developer be so hard and dull? CodeSweetly exists specifically to help out.
CodeSweetly helps you become a confident software developer by simplifying technical concepts so you can focus on coding sweetly.