C++23 Best Practices
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C++23 Best Practices

About the Book

This is a major update and reorganization of my popular C++ Best Practices book. That version ends at C++20. This version has been updated to C++23 with all of the examples reviewed and updated to C++23.

If you are still using C++20, you should still consider getting the older version of this book. If you are looking forward to using C++23 soon, you should get this book!

Important Note: At the time of this book's writing no compiler exists that can compile all of the examples as they are currently written. This book is about the theoretical C++23 compiler we hope to have soon!

As a C++ developer and trainer for more than 20 years, I have learned that there are many common mistakes that C++ developers of all experience levels make. This book distills that experience down into the most important things to address to make your code faster, easier to maintain, and more portable.

Most sections have one or more exercises that help you apply what is discussed in a practical way in the code you are currently working on

This book is intentionally concise! Expect short sections for each item! I use as few words as possible to get across the point and get you applying what you learned to your code.

If you follow me and watch all of my talks this book will present little new information to you. Why should you buy it then? Because I've consolidated the most important items and given you exercises to apply the rules in your code.

About the Author

Jason Turner
Jason Turner

Jason has been using and teaching C++ for over 20 years now. He is host of C++Weekly https://www.youtube.com/c/JasonTurner-lefticus and author of many C++ projects designed to help others learn and explore C++ https://github.com/lefticus/.

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Table of Contents

  • Part I:Introduction and Philosophy of Good C++
    • 1:Introduction To The C++23 Edition
    • 2:Introduction To The Original Edition
    • 3:About Best Practices
    • 4:Slow Down
    • 5:Use AI Coding Assistants Judiciously
    • 6:C++ Is Not Magic
    • 7:Remember: C++ Is Not Object-Oriented
    • 8:Learn Another Language
    • 9:Know Your Standard Library
    • 10:Use The Tools
    • 11:Don’t Invoke Undefined Behavior
    • 12:Never Test for this To Be nullptr, It’s UB
    • 13:Never Test for A Reference To Be nullptr, It’s UB
    Part II:Use The Tools
    • 14:Use the Tools: Automated Tests
    • 15:Use the Tools: Continuous Builds
    • 16:Use the Tools: Compiler Warnings
    • 17:Use the Tools: Static Analysis
    • 18:Use The Tools: Consider Custom Static Analysis
    • 19:Use the Tools: Sanitizers
    • 20:Use The Tools: Hardening
    • 21:Use the Tools: Multiple Compilers
    • 22:Use The Tools: Fuzzing and Mutating
    • 23:Use the Tools: Build Generators
    • 24:Use the Tools: Package Managers
    Part III:API and Code Design Guidelines
    • 25:Make your interfaces hard to use wrong.
    • 26:Consider If Using the API Wrong Invokes Undefined Behavior
    • 27:Be Afraid of Global State
    • 28:Use Stronger Types
    • 29:Use [[nodiscard]] Liberally
    • 30:Forget Header Files Exist
    • 31:Export Module Overloads Consistently
    • 32:Prefer Stack Over Heap
    • 33:Don’t return raw pointers
    • 34:Be Aware of Custom Allocation And PMR
    • 35:Constrain Your Template Parameters With Concepts
    • 36:Understand consteval and constinit
    • 37:Prefer Spaceships
    • 38:Decouple Your APIs With Views and Spans
    • 39:Follow the Rule of 0
    • 40:If You Must Do Manual Resource Management, Follow the Rule of 5
    Part IV:Code Implementation Guidelines
    • 41:Don’t Copy and Paste Code
    • 42:Prefer format Over iostream Or c-formatting Functions
    • 43:constexpr All The Things!
    • 44:Make globals in headers inline constexpr
    • 45:Safely Initialize Non-const Static Variables
    • 46:const Everything That’s Not constexpr
    • 47:Know Your Containers
    • 48:Always Initialize Your non-const, non-auto Values
    • 49:Prefer auto in Many Cases.
    • 50:Use Ranges and Views For Correctness and Readability
    • 51:Don’t Reuse Views
    • 52:Prefer Algorithms Over Loops
    • 53:Use Ranged-For Loops When Views and Algorithms Cannot Help
    • 54:Use auto in ranged for loops
    • 55:Make case return and Avoid default In switch Statements
    • 56:Prefer Scoped enum
    • 57:Use if constexpr When It Results In Better Code
    • 58:De-template-ize Your Generic Code
    • 59:Use Lippincott Functions
    • 60:No More new!
    • 61:Avoid std::bind and std::function
    • 62:Don’t Use initializer_list For Non-Trivial Types
    • 63:Consider Designated Initializers
    Part V:Bonus Chapters
    • 64:Improving Build Time
    • 65:Continue Your C++ Education
    • 66:Thank You
    • 67:Bonus: Understand The Lambda

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