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The Cangjie Input Codes book makes it easy to look up the cangjie code for over 10 000 traditional Chinese characters. The characters are sorted by cangjie code and shape and grouped so that it is easy to find the character that you are looking for. Even with only cursory knowledge of cangjie codes, you can find the character you desire and it's associated cangjie code, avoiding the frustration of trying different codes till you get the desired character.The book is designed to take advantage of hyperlinking making it easy to navigate between character entries and indexes.
Character entries include the cangjie code in letter and symbol format, and it's pronounciation(s) in pinyin.
You get it in 4 formats: leanpub pdf, epub, mobi and and a slightly different non-leanpub formatted pdf. This latter pdf can be downloaded using the "extras" tab.
Hi, I'm Neil Keleher
I’ve been a yoga teacher for about 20 years.
I have a degree in systems design engineering from the University of Waterloo.
Prior to that I served for five years in the British army as an armourer.
As a yoga teacher I teach my students how to feel and control their body. In this context I’m like a driving instructor for your body.
One of my other hats is “indexing specialist”. One of my current ongoing projects under this hat is designing an easy to use indexing system for Chinese characters.