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Om boken
Enda en ny bok om retrospektiv? Hvorfor? Det finnes mange allerede.
Ja! Og akkurat det er grunnen. Jeg holder workshops om retrospektiv (og mange andre emner) for Scrum Mastere, grupper og agile coaches. Min observasjon er at til tross for den store mengde informasjon som finnes om dette emnet, synes det fortsatt å være et stort gap mellom visdom i bøkene og hva folk faktisk bedriver i møterommene under skiltet: «Ikke gå inn. Retrospektiv i prosess».
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Om forfatteren
Alexey Krivitsky is a Lean-Agile practitioner with deep hands-on experience. The First Scrum project was run in 2003. Since then, Alexey has been coaching teams and helping organizations gain more agility. Alexey has an engineering background and is a software developer.
In 2008, Alexey kicked off the community and since then, he has co-produced dozens of Agile events, including the sounding Agile Eastern Europe conferences 2009-2015. He is a public speaker. Alexey is also one of the few Certified Scrum Trainers.
Alexey is the author behind one of the most popular teaching simulations of Scrum with LEGO, which has been translated into more than 15 languages.
Alexey's professional websites: